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-please read!-

1- this is a high fantasy story, so prepare for some twist and turns to it~

2- when are you reading this? Is it at night, or day? Let my snobby brain know!💀

3- there will also be songs mentioned at the start of the chapter, so you can read while listening to THAT song, bcz it'll make the chapters more interesting, conveying a vibe lmao. Like, when the chap is sad the song will make it sadder (sorry not sorry pssh) when its happy the song will make it nicer :D So if you're using one device, you can try MI MUSIC app, you can basically listen to the song while reading. If you got two devices, then either one can be used to read while the other is used to listen :p

4- thanks for checking out this story! Make sure to let me know how you feel~

5- PLEASE comment if I've got some grammar mistakes, dw I wouldn't blame ya'll for the ones I make XD -or punctuation error, spelling errors, whatever-

6- I definitely would love to be a poet someday, so if you find my poems interesting/nice pls tell me abt it💖

7- Really, really nervous, and really, really, need your support :/

8- If the povs are confusing, pls do ask. Sometimes I write in italics for i) flashbacks ii) their own thoughts, e.g. communicating w themselves silently.

Important: I normally write third person povs, but if the character have to express something really important in their part, I'll write their pov but will say their name at the top of the chapter! (shush, the dirty brained ones.)

9- lastly, PLEASE vote and comment, or share this if you like for someone else that is interested in this genre! Happy reading~

-I'd totally appreciate your ability to click on a star lmao. Thank you-

{P. S. Sometimes epilogues it'll be in between chapters, so prepare! Lmao}


The Lies of The Gods {#1 of the Thalia Lancaster series}Where stories live. Discover now