basic info

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shifting, simply put, is going into a different reality. you, right now are in your cr (i'll explain what this stands for in a minute) and when you shift, you are in your dr. common places to shift to are: hogwarts, naruto, my hero academia, the vampire diaries and more

•cr = current reality
•dr = desired reality
•wr = waiting room

shifting is possible for anyone and has been proven by the CIA. and for reassurance, this is not an inside joke and no one is pranking you, this is very real and you can do it.

•scripting: scripting is basically writing a fanfic about your dr self, you can include anything like your appearance and friends, you can even script that you're an object, such as a table🧍you don't even need a script (although it is highly recommended) in you script you should include basic things such as your waiting room (if you want one), appearance, personality, gender, school/workplace, family, friends, your safeword and how time works

•physical appearance in your dr: you can look however you want to look. that is literally it.

•wr: the waiting room is a place you can go to before you actually shift to your dr, it can be whatever you want such as a café, beach, a garden, whatever you want it to be :] you can stay there for as long as you want but remember to go to your dr afterwards. waiting rooms can make shifting easier although you don't have to do it if you don't want to

•dr: your dr is just your desired reality, i would recommend shifting to a reality that has already been written (fiction) such as hogwarts but it can be whatever you want! though please remember that the people in your dr are actual people, exactly like your cr

•clones: clones are our body that stays behind when you shift to your dr, they will act exactly like you. when scripting you can also add in what they do, for example, you can script that they do your chores and schoolwork + hw while you're gone and they will. there's a common misconception on tiktok that your clone won't do anything unless you script it and that is completely untrue, even if you don't script anything for your clone they will act exactly like you because they are, practically, you.

•subliminals: subliminals are any form of music/sounds that have affirmations hidden in them to trick your brain into thinking you already have what you want. they can help you shift into your dr but subliminals aren't limited to reality shifting as they can be used to change your appearance in your cr. though, some subliminal creators but bad affirmations in their audios so be careful when listening to subliminals. some trusted subliminal makers are- celestial, aiko's potions and lovegood subliminals ( ^ω^ )

•vibrations: vibrations are basically put, your mood. if you are in a state of bliss and you are happy and cheerful, your vibrations are high. if you're upset and sad your vibrations are going to be low. having high vibrations puts you in a good mindset which can help you shift. you can raise your vibrations by- meditation, doing things that make you happy and basically just things that put you in a happy mood

•shifting symptoms: tingles, headaches, feeling disconnected from your cr, white lights, dreams of your dr self, vivid dreams, hearing your dr name randomly, the feeling of spinning, tiredness and seeing angel numbers. it's perfectly fine if you dont feel these symptoms though, bout it can help you know that you have shifted/are shifting soon. to make sure you don't open your eyes too early because of your symptoms lessening script that your eyes automatically open when you get to your dr.

•safeword: your safeword is what will take you back to you cr. it can be an action or a word, my safeword is my cr name so i definitely will not forget, although most people don't forget, im just incredibly stupid🧍,,, 🚶

•angel numbers: 111/1111/11:11- your intentions are manifesting! make sure to focus on what you want, 222/2222/22:22- stop worrying and trust the universe, 333/3333/3:33- the universe is helping you, 444/4444/4:44- angels are surrounding you and you are being guided, 666/6666- refocus on your manifestations, 911/9:11- stay positive.

•lifa app: i cannot be asked to write it ❤️ search up lifa app on google and click the amino page with the cover of a small cactus 😄

in the next chapter ill be answering common asked questions, thankyou for reading 😄‼️

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