One more time, with feelings

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Tony slammed the door to his condo apartment. He didn't bother turning on the lights. He dragged his body and dumped himself on his single sized bed. Also not bothering to change his clothes or washing up. He wasn't in the mood. He just gripped his blanket and silently sobbed into it, he couldn't take it anymore.


After class he met up with his girlfriend at their favorite cafe. He was planning to make them official. He knew she was the one! The scent of coffee and pastries was very plesant and inviting. He was waiting at their table and already ordered his coffee. He anxiously tapped his fingers on the table as he waited. Eyes darting around the cafe to look for her. She said she'll be here in a moment so he flipped out flipped out his phone and scrolled in it for a while. He tapped on facebook and swiped down, same old- same old. Nothing new; just a bunch of boring posts from people who can travel and with their partners.
He sighed and held his head.
Tony felt a tap on his shoulder and he looks up.

"H-hey Tony. Sorry I'm late"
Tony smiled, seeing her just makes his day. He stands up and offers her a seat.

" No No, it's fine. I know how hard courses are. I already ordered for you; your favorite milkshake" he takes his seat and slips his phone back in his bag to pay more attention to her.
" why did you call me, again? I was getting very worried. You didn't answer my calls yesterday. Is there something wrong, Paig-"

" I think we shouldn't be together" She cuts him off.

Tony blinked. " what- why?"
He felt something shatter.
" we- we just can't be together"

" did- did I do s-something wrong?! Don't don't worry, I-I can change! Please just don't leave" he holds her hands in his. Trying to keep the tears and cries in.

" I-I'll spend more time with you! I'll - I'll do whatever it takes to improve. Please just give me time-" She held Tony's face and wiped his tears.

" Tony, don't take this the wrong way. I want you to remember that this is not your fault. It is mine. I hold your hopes up when i wasn't ready."

" P-p-please don't leave. I-i love you...." she frowns and puts their heads together.
Tony sniffling quietly to not cause a scene.

" but I don't....i'm tired of this .I'm sorry Tony"
And she left. Tony paid for the drinks and left as soon as possible.

End of Flashback...

From that day on, Tony thought he'll never find love ever again. He was afraid.
Afraid that his history will repeat itself.

His first reaction was to isolate himself but he can't do that. If he wants a better outcome, he will just have to study hard and focus. Maybe if he just accomplished one goal. It make him feel better.
Taking the time he spends in hobbies into extra hours of learning and preparing for exams. Even the time he reserves for his friends and family.

● ● ●

* beep* * beep* * beep*
* beep* * beep* * be-*
Tony opened his eyes to his alarm clock ringing. And the curtains letting in rays of sunshine in his room.


He sits right up on his bed. He looks around and realizes he hasn't changed his clothes yesterday. ...oh...that...
He sighed, sad. He didn't want to remember.
Now Tony wants to go through this day only with studying and distracting himself with loads more of work. He gets up and makes breakfast. while he waits, he takes a shower and gets dressed. Eats the food, cleans up a bit, takes his bag, gets his keys and locks the door to his apartment.

ONE SHOTS (DigitalTime) humanoid/ Human AU...Long StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now