Chapter 42: Emerald Hummingbird

Start from the beginning

The servant moved through the Countess' Garden, his pace neither fast nor slow. He walked through the gates of the forbidden area that few among the servants were allowed to approach.

The forbidden area was a poison garden grown by the Countess after she married the Earl. It was located deep in the Countess' Garden, where few wandered.

Few people could enter, as it was fortified by a stone wall, hidden by trees, and situated across a place known as the Hunting Grounds.

The further the servant went into the poison garden, the more hummingbirds began to appear in the treelines.

The hummingbirds shone like jewels under the sun. No one knew where they came from, but once the flowers bloomed in the poison garden, they were a common sight within the forbidden area. They did not venture further than the walls.

The servant arrived at the heart of the poison garden.

Under the bright summer sky, a figure sat beneath a stone pavilion.

"It has started," the servant said. He kneeled before the figure and presented the missive.

Countess Moores turned to him. Her gaze, a silver abyss with no spark or light, was devoid of warmth.

She took the missive and opened it.

The child has fallen.

Four words brought a small smile to her lips, yet there was no joy in her eyes.

The hummingbirds suddenly drew closer, like bees to honey. They danced around the pavilion, lively and delighted upon seeing the smile on their master's face. Some approached the servant and pecked his face, leaving bloody dots all over.

The servant was still and took the teasing without so much as a twitch.

The Countess watched them with a bored look on her face.

The hummingbirds feasted on the nectars of the flowers she bred. The garden was the fruit of her labor, grown from her flesh and blood, and sowed with the seeds of death.

Her pets were loyal to her. They viewed her as their mother and did her bidding.

"Send the reward," the Countess drawled, her voice low with an airy tone and accent uncommon to the Empire.

The servant stiffly lowered his head, indicating he would follow the order.

The Countess checked the hourglass on the pavilion table and noticed the time.

"Have someone bring food for the Earl and his son. Make sure they are taking their medications."

Again, the servant lowered his head.

"What of Young Master Elliot?"

The Countess turned to her garden. "He can handle himself. You're dismissed."

As the cold words fell, the servant swept into a low bow and left promptly.

Once the servant was gone, the Countess stood from her chair.

There was an allure as she moved like a serpent in a pit.

"My lovelies," she called.

A swarm of hummingbirds flew toward her with vigor.

The Countess seemingly softened as they perched on her arms and shoulders.

She opened a drawer from under the stone table and brought a bottle of Yellow Trileaves wine.

She poured the wine into a glass and placed it in the center.

"Go on. Feed."

The hummingbirds swarmed the glass eagerly.

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