Extra 4: The Tragedy of Ohmlet Act I

Start from the beginning

"Is your family coming to the performance?"

—As if none of them didn't know the Odums were coming.

But Neo played along because there were only so many sandwiches Royce could eat.

He took a bite out of his own sandwich before answering. "Mother and Father wanted to bring the entire staff, but I think the Professor would cry if they did that. Aurelion persuaded them not to. Is your family coming, Roy?"

Royce crossed his arms. "Only Aunt Miranda and Aunt Evelyn. Father got coerced into working overtime, so he can't make it."

"Poor him."

"Yeah. Aunt Miranda called him stupid..."

Marquis Benedick had three wives. The main wife, the second wife, and a mistress from the red-light district.

Royce was the son of his second wife. He was the youngest and last living child of the Benedick Family after the death of his two older brothers.

The Benedick household was harmonious despite their numerous setbacks, and being the last remaining heir and legacy to the late second wife who died in labor, Royce was doted on and well-protected by his family.

The Benedicks knew that tragedy could not keep them from moving on. In the wake of numerous deaths, there was nothing to be done besides going forward and cherishing what was left. Their beloved child has grown into a respectable young man and he was every bit their pride and joy.

As they made more progress on clearing the contents of his lunch box—Tybalt was still pushing more food into Royce's hands despite the other's objections—Neo took notice that something was off.

Finneas hadn't touched the lunch box at all since they sat down to eat. He was also unusually quiet, his body posture withdrawn.

It was like déjà vu because, before the revelation of his rebirth, this was the behavior of the old Finneas.

Neo leaned over, his face leveled with Finneas' until he was close enough to make out faint freckles he'd never noticed dotting the other's nose.


"Hm...?" The brunette was slow to respond.

A crease appeared between Neo's brows. The latter seemed rather pale as of late, which reminded him.

When was the last time Finneas fell ill?

"Are you alright?"

There was a dazed look in Finneas' eyes as he met Neo's gaze. "I'm fine."

Neo found that hard to believe, now that he took note of his poor pallor.

But before he could say anything, he was interrupted.

"Finny, your family's coming for the performance, too, right?" Tybalt's attention was focused back on them. Beside him, Royce looked like he was having a hard time.

Neo quietly handed him a piece of ginger from the lunch box to aid his digestion.

Tybalt's question seemed to revitalize Finneas' wilted state, making Neo question whether or not he misread him.

"Pherb is coming since he got himself a day off. The old man says he's not feeling well because he's a fucking coward who can't face his brother-in-law. If Mother was still alive, she would have kicked his weak ass into hell."


Neo, Royce, and Tybalt couldn't help but feel pity for Viscount Dagon.

Having Professor Rickman as a brother-in-law was certainly terrifying...

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