26. Get To Know Mo

Start from the beginning

Calum, Michael, Luke and I all burst into laughter. He finally recognizes it! "That's exactly why!" Calum and I say at the same time. 

Ashton rolls his eyes at us and crosses his arms, leaning back into the couch. "You guys suck." He mumbled. "What's this insider? Huh?"

I shook my head. "It's not much of an insider, Ash." 

"Fine. Im going to take a nap." Ashton stood up, stomping his foot like a five year old. 

Calum laughed. "Five year old or sixty year old with a receeding hairline?"

Everyone laughed again except Ashton, who flipped us off and went into his room, slamming the door. 


"What's your favorite movie?" Luke asked, dipping the little brush back into the black nail polish container. I shrugged. "I can't pick." Luke grabbed my index finger, swipping the black paint on my nail and cleaning the excess off with a Q-tip. 

After much of his whining, Luke had asked me if he could paint my nails. We found a container of black paint in one of the bathroom cabinets, and he took it upon himself to kiss my cheek repeatedly until i said yes to his request. We were both bored, so why not?

"This reminds me of high school." I said quietly. 

Luke looked up at me, giving me a small smile. "Me painting your nails reminds you of high school?" He chuckled. 

"I mean, this one time in dance class-"

"You danced?" Luke interrupted. 

"No. Don't interrupt me. That's a pet peeve of mine." I said, rolling my eyes. Luke nodded his head at me, painting my pinky nail and muttering to continue. "Well i used to have two great friends in that class. One was a fucking weirdo and the other one was the nicest person you could have ever met." 

"Weirder than you?" Luke chuckled. 

I shrugged. "A little."

"Describe them to me." Luke mumbled. 

I furrowed my eyebrows. "You want me to give you a description of them?" 

He put the brush back into the container and shook the bottle, looking up at me again. "Well you sound so cute when you talk about them. Like you really love them." He smiled. "I mean look, you even have that little smile on your face." He laughed. 

That only made me smile wider. "Well i miss them." I mumbled. 

"Then tell me about them." 

I nodded my head as he took my other hand, ready to paint them as well. It was surprising how good he was at painting them. He barely smudged them and if he did he would clean them right away and leave them as good as new. I might be stereotyping, but maybe he has a little Asian in him. 

"Kiara," I paused, realizing what i just said. Luke didn't look up and i sighed. Calum is the one who knows, not Luke. Its okay. "She's really pretty with short curly hair. She's taller than me, duh, and her ass is great." I shrugged. Luke chuckled. "She was my pretend mom throughout high school. Cuddles were issued when we had free days in dance and she was there for the bad days. She was very distributive and fair with her love. Ella and her used to be my otp. They were my parents." I laughed. 

"Now Ella is like the total opposite." I smiled, rolling my eyes. "You know how you guys tease me about being Satan's spawn?" 

Luke hummed, nodding his head and cleaning the egde of my pinkie. "Well she's literally Satan himself." 

"Of course she can be caring and sweet, but she also has the darkest and wittiest humor. She's sort of a realist and her form of love is tough love, so if i ever told her something cheesy she would pretend gag and proceed to tell me that life isn't all sunshine and rainbows. She was like that type of mom who's like, "lol, this isn't a book, stay in school, do drugs." I loved her." 

"They were good people to confide in too. But now i barely meet up with them or talk to them anymore. Kiara is studying at UCLA and Ella took a gap year too, but she's in like England sneaking into every One Direction show." 

Luke laughed. "I hope she knows One Direction won't be there until mid Feburary."

"Oh she knows, trust me." I laughed. 

I looked at my black nails and furrowed my eyebrows. "Is it racist if i ask if Calum taught you how to do this?"

"Very." Luke laughed. 

"Then i apologize, it was just the first thing that came to mind and that was fucked up." I mumbled, still looking at my nails. "Luke what the fuck, they're so neat." I stared at them, twisting my finger back and forth and touching them. 

"Yeah. As a kid I used to do my mums nails when i'd get bored." He grinned, his cheeks turning pink. 

"Aw that's so cute." I laughed, giving him a kiss on the cheek. 

Before we could jump into a new conversation, the door burst open and Calum walked in, holding his phone up to his ear. 

"Kia-" He stopped himself, taking two steps back. "Maureen, Luke. There's a phonecall for you." 


im procrastinating so hard but im actually vv tired and i've been going places with my family and i've been LEAVING THE HOUSE WHAT WHY WOULD I DO THAT

also school is really making me want to stand in front of every class and stab myself before all the kids is that bad

ok im sorry for this chapter im really sorry if i could rewrite i would but im having WRITERS BLOCK wow i finally reached that point

- satan 

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