Chapter 82: Uh Oh Oh Oh It's Magic

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Her hands start to shake and immediately, she rushes to her boyfriend and puts her hand back in his, hoping that his presence will quell that curiosity and desire for magic.

Mal, on the other hand, has no qualms in testing out what she can do. She flips her hand up and like a lightning bolt striking her body, a bright green fireball appears in her palm. It felt like her entire body relaxed and there was a sense of relief as if she'd finally let go of something that had been suppressed for a long time. She gazes at the fire in awe and amazement. She's never been able to do things without reciting spells, with the exception of turning into a dragon.

Her friends are a little shocked by it at first, especially Ben, but they draw closer to get a better look.

"Wow," Jane says in amazement.

"I know," Mal smiles. "I've never been able to do this before."

"Yeah, usually the fire comes from your mouth," Jay smirks.

Mal sticks her tongue out at him and at that moment the fireball does a sort of flash, briefly becoming bigger as if reacting to her emotions. It then resumes its normal size, flickering like an ember.

"Mal..." Ben says. "Maybe we should extinguish the magic that could potentially set the forest on fire."

Knowing his nervousness around her magic, Mal obliges, even if she didn't want to.

"Magic is emotion, apparently," Jay says, recalling what Emma and Crystal had told Evie.

"Which is why we need to be careful with this," Ben warns.

"I agree," Jane says. "My mother always said that magic can be very risky and dangerous when not used properly."

Evie swallows but says nothing. She clings to Doug more tightly, fighting tears in her eyes. She leans against the well, trying to keep her emotions in check.

"It's still really cool," Jay continues.

"Very cool," Jane agrees.

Evie looks down at her hands and she realizes that one of them is glowing a light blue. She swallows and prays that Doug can't see it, putting her hand behind her back to hide it. She tries to calm herself, doing what Emma and Crystal said, but it just becomes brighter. She starts hyperventilating slightly.

"Evie are you okay?" her boyfriend asks.

"Y-Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Your hand is really hot," he comments.

Oh, gods! Evie thinks. I'm going to burn him! And he can't protect himself as Mal can!

In a panic, she lets go and tries to conceal the blue light by balling them into fists. Her teeth grind in fear and the tears are brimming into her brown eyes.

All of a sudden a bolt of energy goes through her and it expands from her body. It comes out in the form of a wave that blasts her friends back off of their feet. Like an ear-shattering boom, the sound echoes through the forest, causing the branches to shake and birds to take flight. The ground shakes and everyone is left on the ground, trying to recover from the blast.


Mal blacks out for a moment and when she wakes up, she sees that she's looking down at the ground with the trees just below her feet. Her head is pounding slightly and her ears are ringing from the blast. She blinks and within a few minutes, she's able to hear the sound of flapping wings. Looking down at her hands... er... claws and she realizes that she's turned into a dragon. It was weird, but maybe it was a reaction to the blast. Taking a deep breath, she lowers herself down and in a puff of purple smoke, she's normal again.

Once We are DescendantsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora