"I liked when I could just admire you through a screen. All of this is too much for me to comprehend." She said spacing out.

Yoongi let out a laugh, "sorry I'm just really curious is all."

"But Yoongi, aren't you unhappy? Don't you want to go back to your body?" Hana asked with concern. He stood there for a moment looking down at the table and licking his lips out of habit.

"I mean of course I do. I miss being with the gang and I honestly miss working but—" he paused. "Something in me has a feeling that, this is happening for a reason. My mind isn't telling me not to freak out because deep down it's telling me that this is only temporary, so I'm following my gut and am just enjoying it while I'm here." He explains while meeting her eyes. Her breath hitched when she saw how his eyes glinted when they attached to hers, how long they could hold each others gazes and how comfortable they felt together.

Yoongi was right, all of this felt temporary, it felt like things would return back to normal soon and something in her made her sad knowing that.

"You're right. I feel it too." She felt like everything was going to be alright.

"There's one last think I haven't tried yet." He mentions looking down before clearing his throat and looking up at her again.

"What is that?" She said softly.

"Uhm, I know I'm able to touch you because when I opened the door of the bathroom you fell on me but, I'm just wondering if I can interact with you, or if—" he looked away embarrassed. "If it would be the same with Jaehyun where I can't. So do you mind?" He asked for permission kindly and it made her heart beat faster.

"Yeah, sure." She nodded nervously.

"Let me know if you're uncomfortable okay?" He asked as her mind wandered to all the possibilities of what he could do and it made her flush at the thought.

Slowly he lifted up his hand and reached for hers that was resting on the table. His touch was gentle and cautious unlike how he poked and prodded Jaehyuns arms and back.

Gently he lifted up her finger, then her hand holding it up against each other in front of them. She observed him carefully lace his fingers with hers and her doing the same. All of this felt like he was a regular human being. He felt warm and his skin soft. He observed for a while as his lips curved up into his gummy smile that stole her heart the first time she saw it.

"Well, looks like everything's alright between you and I." His voice was deep and pleasant. She smiled happily as they held hands.

"Yeah, looks like I don't have to go to a fan meet and greet anymore to do this." She blurted making him laugh out loud. She too laughed with him but sadly, he let go all too soon.

"Well I'm at least glad that the person I'm stuck with is great." He folded his arms and smiled appreciatively at her.

"Wish I could say the same." He sipped her tea and playfully looked elsewhere.

"Yah! I'm your bias!" He shouted before laughing with her.

"I mean— Jungkook really is a bias wrecker." She bit her lip and nodded at the thought, observing Yoongi's features morph to one of shock and then a pout.

"Remind me to never introduce you to Kook when I let you meet them. That's if I even do that anymore." He grumbled and turned away. Her eyes go wide from this news.

"Wait! No!" She reached out but he playfully pouted and huffed walking away. "Wait Yoongi!"

"Say I'm your only bias, then I may change my mind." His back was faced towards her, he was acting like a child on purpose and she found it hilarious and so did he.

She let out some laughter, "alright alright! You're my only Bias I swear."

"Nope! Say 'Min Yoongi is my only bias'" he stated seriously turning towards her, arms still crossed.

"Seriously?" She laughed again seeing Yoongi's serious face. He was about to crack because she could see the corners of his mouth twitch. With a sigh and a big smile she crossed her arms. "Fine. Min Yoongi is my only bias." she leaned in briefly emphasizing the word.

"Happy?" She narrowed her eyes back at him playfully.

"Almost." He said before breaking out into a big smile, he was having fun teasing her and she knew it.

"Wow if I knew you'd be such a jerk." She laughed while rolling her eyes. He settled on her couch.

"Hey I wasn't the one that admitted I was your bias in the first place." He shrugged playfully. His eyes twinkling as they met hers, it held mischievousness.

"I'm starting to regret having such a big mouth." She groaned and flopped on the couch beside him. "So, what do we do now?" She asked. He just shrugged.

"Don't know, what do you usually do on the weekend." He looked at her expectantly.

"Hmm.." she pondered for a bit. "We could go to the park? Then maybe I can buy takeaway so I don't look like a crazy lady ordering for two and eating by myself. Oh and I also need to stock up on groceries."

He smiled up at her. "Well, let's go then." He got up excitedly. It's been a while since he'd been able to do such mundane things, going to the park would be nice and he'd be able to enjoy being out without worry of anyone seeing him.

He watched Hana as she got ready, he realized how beautiful she actually was, bare faced and real. She had a very bright personality and full of character. He knew he'd be able to return to himself, but did he really want that so soon?

"Alright I'm ready! Let's go!"

A/N: sorry if you're confused or hate the technicality of it but I really felt like I needed to explain some of the physics and capabilities of Yoongi in this state. I dislike plot holes hahaha

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