Woosan (fluff) ~Layered~ pt.2

Start from the beginning

Not so long after, the mini party had came to its end and all of the adults were cleaning up while the little girl went to her room to get ready for bed. San's mom had put some food into a container for Wooyoung to take home, since he loved her cooking so much. She also happened to notice a bruise on the side of San's face and he had told her that he got slapped by Wooyoung after scaring him. Wooyoung was preparing for a lecture, but instead received a high five from the women, her saying that San had deserved it since he loved to scare people unexpectedly. They both had laughed while San was playfully glaring at them while putting away some food in the fridge.

Once the kitchen was cleaned and everything was put away, the three went to the front door, two of them getting ready to leave.

"Thank you for accepting me into your home Ms. Choi. And thank you a million times for the incredible food" the blond said with a bright, genuine smile.

"Oh of course Wooyoung-ssi, thank you for staying, and also for baking that beautiful cake. I still can't believe you made that." The topic of Wooyoung baking the cake and owning a bakery came up when they were slicing the cake, and the woman was really astonished by it. She was even more surprised when she found out that her son was bothering the poor male when he was closing up, but was thankful nonetheless.

"It was no problem at all Ms. Choi."

"Please, call me Hayoon. And it's a good thing that you are putting your skills to use in that bakery. Maybe you could come over again one day and we could ba-"

"Alright mom, as interesting as this conversation sounds, I think I should be getting Wooyoung home now" San interrupted.

"Oh...well I suppose you're right. You two have a nice time. And thank you again." She pulled the two male's into a final hug before letting them go and sending them on their way.

Wooyoung and San were currently in the car on their way to Wooyoung's apartment. San actually played music this go round, taking in what the other said before. They were singing along to a numerous amounts of songs that were on one of San's playlists, and they found out that they had quite similar music tastes. Wooyoung found himself being at ease in the presence of the black haired man. He also found it cute how the other would constantly look at him while singing the lyrics, almost as if he were singing the lyrics to him. Wooyoung found himself blushing whenever it would happen. It was...nice.

San found Wooyoung's voice very capturing. The shorter would be singing his heart out, really feeling the music that was playing in the car. San sang along with the other, completely engulfed by the sight next to him. San didn't even realize it but he would always look over to the latter, while singing, just admiring him. He felt nice around the male.

Eventually, they made it to the apartment building, the car pulling into a parking space. Wooyoung was getting out of the car and was about to head to his apartment, when San had insisted on walking him there. At first, the blonde refused, but was ultimately foiled by the pleading eyes that convinced him to make that birthday cake.

They arrived at the door of the smaller's apartment, neither of them taking the steps to leave the other. It was silence once again between the two.

Wooyoung looked up to the black haired man. "Well, I- uh guess that I'll be going then" he said rather awkwardly.

San stood still, his face quite close to the other's. He was smiling smugly at his actions. "You know, you say that and yet you haven't moved an inch since we got to this door."

Wooyoung was quiet, not knowing what else to say after that since it was true. He hadn't moved a muscle. But he also didn't want to. His breaths started getting a bit ragged in response to the taller's face inching closer to his. San set one of his hands on the side of Wooyoung's face. Their faces inched closer and closer, closing their eyes and tilting their head in the process, before their lips met in a sweet kiss. San slowly wrapped his free arm around the shorter's waist in order to pull him closer and deepen the kiss. Wooyoung placed his hands on San's chest, gently grabbing at the material of his shirt. Their lips moved along with each other's in a rhythm that only they could follow, happy that they were having this experience.

After about a minute of kissing, they finally pulled away from each other, staring into the other's eyes. Wooyoung smiled softly at the man before him.

"I had fun today San. This day was honestly the highlight of my week."

"Well, you could have a brighter highlight this week if you would allow me to take you on a date tomorrow?" San questioned, grinning cheekily.

Wooyoung looked at him for a second, before ruffling through his bag to take out his phone. He passed the device to the other, insinuating that he should put his number in it. San got the hint and did just that. After that, Wooyoung took his phone back and messaged the number a bunch of flower emojis.

"There, now you have my number and I have yours. You can text me more info about our date"  the blond declared. "Have a good day San" he concluded, giving the latter a quick smile and opening his apartment door, walking into, closing it behind him.

San just stood there, beaming from ear to ear, staring intensely at the door. He was really excited at the thought of them going on a date, and he was sure he wasn't going to get any sleep tonight thinking about it. Nevertheless, he left the door, making his way to his car, and drove himself to his own apartment, anxious of what's to come.

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