Minjoong (fluff, steamy) ~Dummy~

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Mingi was currently in his bedroom, piecing together fabric to make his design a reality. He was going to college, majoring in fashion designing and he couldn't be happier. He loved making clothes, his ideas coming to life with it. He also really liked how clothes could make a person feel more confident about themselves, and from what his teacher had told him in his previous projects, that's exactly what Mingi would do. Mingi wouldn't just limit his designs to masculine clothes though. He liked to make clothes that were feminine and also gender neutral. It provided him with a bit of uniqueness and versatility.

He took the pieces he was working on off of his mannequin, and placed it under the needle of his sewing machine, turning it on and beginning to sew. This week's project was more of a feminine piece than last week's, and he really like how it was turning out.

While doing so, the door to his room opened, behind it being Hongjoong

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While doing so, the door to his room opened, behind it being Hongjoong.

Hongjoong was his roommate, who also happened to be his crush since they moved in together, during their first year of college. They had also gotten closer since that time, spending time together when they weren't busy with other things. As much as the two wouldn't admit it directly, there was clear sexual tension between them that was way too thick to the point that not even a chainsaw could cut through it. It was to the point to where they had almost kissed each other, but after that event, they hadn't talked about it since and continued on as normal. That is, as normal as sexual tension between two roommates that were also close friends could be.

Hongjoong walked behind Mingi, closely observing the other and analyzing the outfit. And may he say, he was utterly amazed by what his friend could do.

"Damn Min" he said as he placed a hand on the younger's shoulder, "that seriously looks amazing."

Mingi shut off the machine to stop what he was doing and looked over his shoulder to the beautiful male behind him. He swears, if a gorgeous smile like Hongjoong's could kill, he'd be a cadaver right now.

"Thanks Joong. I'm almost done with it. Thankfully, it didn't take too long because of the....amount of fabric that is required" Mingi said with a chuckle, causing the other to laugh as well.

"Yeah, it does look a little skimpy" the older states as he pinches at the fabric.

"Well I wanted to do something a bit different then what I'm used to. I'd figure it would be good for me to do it."

"Well Mr. Designer, I'll let you continue on with your assignment then. You better get an A on that or I'll kick your ass" Hongjoong announced jokingly.

"Of course" the younger said, before turning back around to continue sewing.

Hongjoong looked towards the other's way one last time and headed towards the direction of the door. While he was about to head out, something got caught on his foot and he couldn't catch himself in time before him and the fashion mannequin landed on the floor. Luckily, Hongjoong took the fall well and was still in one piece; couldn't say the same for the fashion dummy though. Somehow during the fall, it managed to break into three, unfixable, pieces. The whole commotion caught the attention of Mingi who had quickly got up from his seat and kneeled next to his roommate to make sure he was okay.

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