"You okay Lyra?" my infant-hood nurse asked. 

I sighed. "Lee didn't want to become a part of this because he was afraid that (Y/N) would be put in danger. And now she's in the most horrible place in the world,"

"Hey...this isn't your fault," she consoled. "You couldn't have known what was going to happen. You had no idea that the camp was going to be infiltrated,"

"Yeah but...if I hadn't have dragged them into this in the first place, she wouldn't be there. If she gets her daemon cut away..." I broke my speaking. 

Maggie clasped my shoulder. "Lyra...I know how much you've grown close to (Y/N). You're not going to lose another friend. Not on my watch,"

"I just hope that we won't be too late. I hope she finds Roger there. And I hope he's okay too,"

"I'm sure he will. We're nearly two days away from Bolvanger. We'll get there,"

I swallowed m years. I had to remain hopeful. 

 "Why don't you go talk to Lee? Give him some comfort,"

"He's not goanna waste his time talking to someone who put his daughter in danger. And he's too busy focusing getting to Bolvanger as soon as possible,"

"Come on Lyra," she said. "Don't think for one second that he blames you for (Y/N)'s capture. Go and talk to him,"

(Y/N's Point of View) 

After lunch, I was called to follow Sister Clara to be 'inspected'. 

"What are we going to do?" Aster whispered in my ear. 

"We have to find a way out of here somehow," I whispered. "We can't trust that dad, Lyra and the Gyptians will make it here on time. If Billy Costa can find a way out so can we," 

I was taken to a room where one doctor constantly kept taking pictures of me with flashes. I kept blinking my eyes. 

"Doctor...what happens to the children that leave this place?" I asked. 

"They go to a place for more grown-up children,"

I wanted to scoff but no sound came out.  

He looked at me cautiously. "There's nothing to be concerned for. Nobody gets hurt. Now could you hold still please?"

Reluctantly I obeyed. But before another flash could be emitted from the camera, there were a sudden beep! 

"Oh for god's sake!" the doctor cursed. "Can we not get this fixed?"

Sister Clara pulled out gate to the picture cell open. "Please proceed to the nearest available exit," she directed me. She guided me to a wardrobe room where numbers of girls were picking out coats and hats. Clara took me a wardrobe with a spare coat and hat and I zipped myself up. I followed everyone else outside until we were out in the open. Doctors were calling out children's names one by one. I lined up behind everyone else. I realised I was next to Roger. 

"Milly Surrey!" a voice called. 

"Here miss!" I cried out. 

"'Milly'?" Roger's voice emitted next to me. 

"I thought it would be best to keep my real name secret," I whispered. 

"What are you doing here (Y/N)?" 

"My dad and I were hired by the Gyptians to help rescue you and the others. Lyra's with them,"

Roger's face brightened. "Is she safe?"

"She's safe. She's desperate to rescue you. Do you know what happens to the children who get taken away?"

"No. My friend Billy was taken away and...he hasn't come back. I'm really worried about him,"

My heart sank being reminded of that poor Billy. I didn't know how I was going to help him. 

"Roger...we need to find a way to get out of here,"

"But how?"

"There's always a way out. We need to if the Gyptians are to succeed in rescuing us,"

"But what if we get caught? Those who get caught breaking rules don't survive long," 

I struggled to think of something. Then I noticed what I was standing on. Snow. "I've got a plan," I whispered. I knelt down and picked up a fistful of snow. I threw it. 

"Ow!" a kid screamed. 

Roger looked at me, a little surprised.

"Oops," I remarked with a smug. 

"What are you doing?" Roger whispered. 

"Giving us a distraction," 

I picked up another one and threw it. 

"Ow!" a girl screamed. 

"Order!" Sister Clara at the front scream. "Or there will be consequences,"

Roger joined in and hit another girl. A snowball fight broke out and soon the doctors' faces were smothered by balls of snow, giving me and Roger timer to run away out of the crowd without being seen. We dashed into the corridors. 

Another chapter done. Hope you all are enjoying it. Please let me know what you all think and feel free to send over any ideas. 

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