XLIV. Marauding with Caution

Start from the beginning

“Rejection gets easier with time,” Peter said with a grin. “Take it from an expert.”

“I don’t even think it’s the rejection that’s bothering me anymore,” Sirius said, looking rather agitated. “It’s the whole thing about not wanting to be my snogging buddy. I didn’t realize that I treated girls like that’s all they’re good for.”

“You told me last year that you didn’t want to ask Olivia out because you didn’t want a serious relationship,” James said.

“Yeah, that’s true, but I never thought of any of my girlfriends as just snogging buddies,” Sirius protested. “I wasn’t serious about them, but I respected them more than that!”

“Maybe you should consider why she said it,” Remus said quietly. “Maybe that’s how your relationships appear to the outsider – to someone who doesn’t know you.” He smiled faintly. “Maybe it’s time to consider a serious relationship.”

“I don’t know if I’m ready for that,” Sirius sighed.

“Growing up is tough,” James said with a nod.

“No kidding.”

James looked at his watch. “Um, I need to get back,” he said.

“Already?” Peter asked, looking a bit downcast.

“You guys can stay here if you want,” James said quickly. “I know my way back, and I have a later curfew than you, so it won’t matter if I get caught. I really just have to meet Lily for our patrol.”

“Go on, rub in your late curfew,” Peter laughed.

James grinned. “Well, I was trying to say that you guys can keep the map to get yourselves back safely.”

“Like it’ll be a problem if we run into you after curfew,” Sirius laughed.

James forced a smile. Remus watched him closely, noticing how uncomfortable he looked. Well, it served him right. Now James would finally understand how Remus had felt since becoming a prefect. No, that wasn’t exactly fair – as Head Boy, James had considerably more responsibility. Remus sighed.

“Let’s go back with James,” he said. “I don’t want to get into trouble our first night back.”

“Oh, great, now there’s two of you,” Sirius said sarcastically.

“I already said that you don’t have to come –“

“Shut it, Prongs,” Sirius interrupted. “We’re coming.”

They walked back to the castle in comparative silence. Once they were at the end of the tunnel, Remus pulled the map out. He touched it with his wand, and said the password. Sirius lit his wand, and held it up so they could read the map.

“It looks like we’re clear to get to the common room,” Remus muttered. “Let’s move fast, though. I don’t want to get caught with this thing.”

The others nodded, and they hoisted themselves out of the tunnel. Checking the map at regular intervals, they hurried down the corridors to the common room. They made it back without incident. Remus was about to give the password when Sirius stopped him.

“Who’s in the common room?” he asked.

“Why does it matter?” Peter asked.

“We don’t want them to see us out after curfew,” Sirius replied.

Remus took the map out of his pocket. “No one’s in the common room right now,” he said tensely. “But we’d better make it look like we’ve been there for hours. I never even thought of this as a problem.”

The Marauder's Tale  [MOONY, WORMTAIL, PADFOOT, & PRONGS]Where stories live. Discover now