The plan

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A/N: yay I updated!! Also the comic you'll see in a bit was yet another piece of art I failed to find the artist of. If you happen to know please lemme know, but hope y'all enjoy! <3

"What is this?" I asked him. He looked petrified and I felt a deep sinking feeling form in the pit in my stomach.

"Just read it." His voice was stern. It was terrifying hearing Tendou speak and act so seriously. I opened the folder and read the contents silently.

"Esteemed cadets: Guess Monster, Titan, Ki Chou, and Bokuto are hereby appointed to a Grand Mission..."

I couldn't believe what I was reading. I'd never been on a grand mission. They were notoriously hard, and required a squad of cadets. Not only that, but 9/10 times, not everyone came back.

I looked up at Tendou who was biting his fingernail and flicking a lighter on and off in the hand by his side. He shrugged, gesturing for me to continue reading.

"Instructions: Take the train to The Square. Once arrived, find the 12 members of the mistwalkers and take them out by any means necessary. Avoid shooting civilians at all costs.
The job will begin in one week and run not longer than 3 days."

"Are you kidding me? That's all we get for a grand mission?" I was furious. I thought for sure they'd be more detailed, but alas, it was just as short and shit as any other job instructions.

"At least we have a week." Tendou replied.
The week went faster than any before it.

Bokuto was unlike himself after I'd told him the details. He spent the week in the training facility more than ever before. Most days I joined him, being carful to not create fatigue, but ensuring I kept him company. He seemed almost depressed, his hair acting just as stressed or sad as he was. I wasn't sure why, but I doubted the reason was rooted in anything good.

One of the days I joined him, he wore what I was still unsure of between leggings or knee pads. I decided it was time to figure it out, and when he came up from tying his shoes, I pinned him to the wall.

"What are you doing?" He asked, sounding quite confused.
"Just hold still a second." I pulled his leg up, holding it with one arm and ran the other up his thigh. "Akaashi?!" I saw his fingertips turn white as he gripped to the wall behind him.
I felt the seam and it didn't meet up to anything, solving the mystery. I had really thought they were leggings, but oh well.

———"A-Akaashi?!" Bokuto was red from his cheeks up to the tips of his ears and even the back of his neck

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"A-Akaashi?!" Bokuto was red from his cheeks up to the tips of his ears and even the back of his neck.
"Yeah?" I didn't know why he was so flustered.

"Why did you do that?!"

"Do what?"


𝚊 𝚢𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚋𝚞𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚕𝚢 ~ 𝚋𝚘𝚔𝚞𝚊𝚔𝚊Where stories live. Discover now