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Time skip brought to you by Geico!! Fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. :^D

I awoke in a cold sweat and the thin bedsheets clapped to my body. My hair was damp, the ends stuck to the nape of my neck and forehead. I gasped, clinging to the mattress beneath me.

It had been one of the worst nightmares I'd ever had. Usually they consisted of my mother, failing a job, or forgetting something important. Tonights was different. One to do with the promise I made Bokuto's sisters. If it came to life or death on a job, he'd be the one to make it out, not me. Yet in my dreams, I'd failed to do that.

It was early, very early, but I didn't feel like trying to go back to sleep. Tomorrow was the day of all days, where the owl and I would have our first job together.
I went to open the small "mailbox" on the outside of the rooms door to see if the info of the job would be waiting, or whether Bokuto had received intel instead. I opened it up and saw the manilla folder for Ki Chou and Bokuto printed in a large typewriter font.

I decided I'd wait to open it until I was with him.

Today was a rest day workout wise, so I didn't go to the training facility, instead just to the showers in order to wash off the sweat and change into something dry.

It was New Year's Eve and tonight there would be fireworks. I figured I'd show Bokuto the folder then, if I didn't see him at any other point today.

I ended up not finding him until that evening. I was getting worried as I hadn't seen him anywhere and it was now nearing midnight. I held the folder in one hand and jogged down the halls.

Finally, after much searching, I caught a glimpse of his spiked hair on one of the upper balconies.

"Bokuto!" I called, out of breath.

"Hey hey hey!" He responded with a wave.

"I have the folder." I was nervous. The large smile on his face faded. All I could hope for was that we wouldn't be in a life threatening scenario for the first combo job.

"Oh really?" He tried to stay cheerful but I could hear the shakiness of his voice. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"It'll be okay, Agaashi! Together! Lets open it together!" He clasped his rough hand over the one, slightly trembling, and holding the folder which belonged to me.

With a deep breath I opened it.
"Read it out, Agaashi." Bokuto whispered, and likewise slightly trembling.

I exhaled.

"The fine soldiers Ki Chou and Bokuto are hereby appointed to the stone walls. Inside, there will be a woman. Long blonde hair, blue eyes, freckles. Take her out by any means necessary."

"Lovely. As vague as usual." I could hear the relief in Bokuto's voice as I finished reading.
"It doesn't sound too bad." He continued.
"No, it doesn't." I responded with great relief.

"Hey look!" Bokuto pointed to the clock tower, 2 till midnight.

"I hope this spot is good for the fireworks."

"It is actually. I don't know how you picked this balcony, but I watch them every year from right here." I told him, looking forward.

"Really?! Awesome!!" He held the rails, tossing his head back just enough to see all of the night's sky.

"They don't go off till after midnight, Bokuto."

"Oh.. right." He laughed, facing forward once again.

The clock struck midnight.
I looked forward and listened as the chimes filled the air. It was still, without a single breath of wind and the trees only swayed ever so slightly.

Out of nowhere I felt a warmth hit my cheek. I glanced in my peripheral and saw Bokuto.

Without thinking I kneed him right in the crotch and he fell to the floor on both knees, rendered useless.
The owl groaned, buckled over and clutching that area with both hands.

Once again I realized what I'd done after it was too late.
"What the hell was that?" I questioned, slightly confused but not exactly hating what had just happened.
"A...kiss? Sorry.. it's just...New Years. I figured maybe I wouldn't be smacked this time since you didn't... didn't hit my sister when she visited, though clearly... I was wrong." He continued to wince in pain as he struggled through the sentence.

I stood there for a second, running a few possible scenarios of what could happen in the next couple of minutes depending on what I did next.

"Are you alright?" I finally settled on a response.

"Hnghh... I will be." His head rested on the concrete too now.

"Give me your hand." It came off as more of a demand than I'd meant for it too. Still, a second later he managed to push a hand up towards me, though continuing to be bent over.

I grasped it with both my hands, assisting him in standing.

His face was red and a small vein had formed on his forehead, he scrunched his nose.

"I promise I won't do something like that again." I said.

"That's appreciated." He smiled, still slightly bent over in pain and gripping to the metal rail with his right arm. His knuckles had gone white and I could tell he was still in quite a bit of agony.

I stared at him. Bokuto's eyes widen slightly, in some sort of questioning.

He managed to straighten up, though still clinging to the rail. I moved closer to him and felt my heart leap into my throat.

Bokuto took a small step forward, to stand closer to me than my own shirt. I lightly placed my hand on his chest and could feel the pounding of his heart.

I let my chest fill with air and moved my head in close to his. Our foreheads touched, then our noses, and finally the warmth from minutes prior returned.

It sent a sensation I'd never before experienced down the length of my spine, making me weak in the knees.
It didn't last long before I pulled away, feeling quite faint, now also gripping onto the railing for stability.

"Happy New Year's." I managed to whisper to him.

"A-Akaashi..." he whispered my real name. Afraid of the response, I hushed him with my index finger across his soft lips. He grabbed it with his fist.

I stood a bit shocked.
"Does that mean you won't reject me?" He asked.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I forced back a voice crack by clearing my throat.

"I like you Agaashi, like so much." He grinned, looking straight into my eyes.

"I like you too." I told him the truth.

"YOU DO, AGAASSHEE??!!!" He yelled a new variation of my name.

"You're being too loud." I chuckled and rolled my eyes at the enthusiastic owl who stood before me.

Just then a large boom filled the sky with sparkling red flames. It made the both of us jump and turn our attention to the display that had began.

Another one, blue this time, bursted into the night.
Bokuto looked as happy as a little kid watching the fireworks explode into the dark sky.

I smiled, finding myself looking at him more than the bright colors up above us.

A/N: yeah so I hope you like this confession?? Maybe? Uhh I rewrote this chapter like 4 times before "settling" on this lol... uhh tell me what you thought? I love and appreciate feedback so ya know,,

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