Walking together

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A/N: yeah so this chapter really only has like a small bit of bad language and that's it. Uhm also yeah enjoy the fluff while you can...

A week or so had passed since the first job Bokuto and I had completed together.
I'm not sure what ended up happening to the girl. Those are the aspects of being an elite that I try not to dwell on too much, or think about at all.

The next job would be any day now. And every morning I awoke in cold sweats before checking the mailbox for the cream folder.

Still, ever since New Years, nothing has happened between the two us. I'm beginning to think it was just a spur of the moment thing. That being said, I swear I felt something
Who knows. Not me that's for sure.

I knew I should talk to the owl about it, but I hated dealing with situations like this. Confrontation I suppose. But I knew it had to be done, so before our next job I'd tell him what he has the right to know.

It had snowed a couple more times since the holidays. The base was covered in a heavy white blanket for weeks on end now and today was the day after a larger dump of snow. I decided we could go for a walk while it was still fluffy and clean before the cadets run their miles on it.

I made my way to Bokuto's room and knocked on the door.
"Hello." The titan stood in the doorway. God he was really fucking intimidating. Almost the height and width of the doorway, with a face that seemed cold and stern. I knew he meant well, but it was hard to see him as happy when he stared down at you like that.

"Oh uh, hello. Is Bokuto around?"

"He went looking for you."

"O-oh. Do you know where?" I asked.

"No, but he headed in that direction." The titan pointed a finger out to the right towards the commander and captains offices.
"Right. Thanks." I turned to leave when a firm hand weighed down on my shoulder.

"Wait. Give this to your roommate."The titan handed me a small box of matches. He had painted what looked to be a comical style of both him and Tendou with a heart above their heads on the box. The detail was actually quite astounding for such a small canvas.

"Oh, yeah.. sure."
The titan nodded, closing the door, and I headed off, stuffing the box carefully into my large jacket pocket.

I walked quickly down the halls in hopes of finding the owl. I walked for what seemed like ages. Finally I managed to catch him winding a corner.
"Bokuto!" The head re-emerged from the turn in the hallway.
"Akaashee!!!" He came jogging towards me.
"Hey hey! I was looking for you!!"
"I know, the titan- er Ushijima told me. I've been looking for you too...care to go for a walk?" I asked, looking past him to avoid eye contact.
"Absolutely! I'd love to!"

With that, we began to walk to one of the exits that led outside. It was cold, but the air was dry and the sun gave some warmth.

"Okay so get this," Bokuto struck
up a conversation.
"Ushijima paints. Can you believe that, like the brush is so tiny in his hand." He laughed, mimicking what the titan looked like painting.

"Yeah I saw that." I carefully took out the match box to show Bokuto.
"Oh wow! Are they dating?" He asked me.
"Uh, I think so. I'm not entirely sure though." He nodded.

I figured now was as good of a time as any to ask.
"Bokuto" "Akaashi" We had both said each others name at the same time. The owl laughed, "You first." We continued to crunch the snow beneath our boots.

"No, you can go first."

"You sure?"


The owl exhaled a cloud of breath into the cold surrounding air.

"I keep thinking of New Years... Well I keep thinking of that night, but mainly I keep thinking of you. Akaashi, I've never met someone like you. You intrigue me. You're the most interesting and complex person I've ever met. And at first I was really mixed up and quite confused but now it's like, well I want to fly away with you.. into the stars... but I don't want to cross any lines with you. Still, Akaashi, I think I'm in love with you... Sorry that was a lot. I uhh...."

Bokuto rubbed the back of his neck, turning away from me.

All the things he said went running through my mind, twisting up my thoughts and making my stomach churn with them.

"Bokuto..." God this was hard to get out, I thought. I could feel my pulse in my ears, and my chest felt heavier than ever before.

I took a deep breath, trying again.
"Bokuto," the owl turned back towards me and we stopped making shoe prints in the snow, standing still. It was like the world turned around us.

"I'm in love with you too. Everything about you." I wanted to say more, but the sentences all seemed to jumble in my head.

He stood there, his mouth agape, and large, gold eyes wide.

I think we both attempted to say multiple things, none of which came out properly. I decided to do what seemed right for that moment instead.

I closed the gap between us in a hug. I didn't quite know how to do it, but It felt so good to be in an embrace with someone.

Bokuto clasped his large arms around my back, squeezing me just enough for the warmth of our bodies to bounce back against one another in an endless cycle.

I moved a hand up to the nape of his neck and held my hand against his stiff hair. The owl moved his hands down lower on my back and nuzzled his head Into the crook of my neck. I felt the exhale of his breath as we stood under the rays of warm sun. He kissed me lightly, sending that foreign feeling all over my body again.

A moment passed, "your hair is so spiky." I told him. I felt a another exhale from his nose on my neck. He picked his head up, laughing quietly. "and yours is the softest thing in the world." He whispered back.

There was a long silence as we stood there in one another's arms.

The owl picked his head up again, moving to better look at me. I noticed his eyes scanning over my face as a light smile crept up from the corners of this mouth.

"Partners?" He finally asked, now intently looking me in the eyes.
"Partners." I confirmed.

𝚊 𝚢𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚋𝚞𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚕𝚢 ~ 𝚋𝚘𝚔𝚞𝚊𝚔𝚊Where stories live. Discover now