The sisters

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A/N: hope y'all are doing alright, and enjoying this story so far! Again if you know the artist of the work above I'd love to know and give credit. They may be known as 10shiko but I'm not sure lol. Anyway, onto the chapter <3

The following day, or I suppose afternoon, Bokuto's sisters arrived.

I still hadn't talked to him about what I was feeling because honesty I was still unsure. All I knew was that somehow, some way, in less than 2 weeks, I'd gone from wanting to kill him to well... not wanting to do that.

We had been eating lunch in the cafeteria when he received the phone call.
I could hear a loud feminine voice on the other side of the line when he winced pulling the device away from his ear.

"They're here! Come meet them Agaashee!"

"Uh, are you sure?"

"Absolutely! They'll love you!"

We walked to the kiosk where after a salute to the welcoming officer, he allowed us to see them.
Bokuto had dressed himself up in a tight fitting suit. The buttons looked as though they were holding on for dear life to keep the jacket together over his chest. Still, I felt very informal.

"KOU!" One squealed as she ran to her brother. That one was wearing a cropped black top, which was more like a bra, below which was a high waisted pair of grey pants and a near white blazer over everything. She was quite stunning with all silver shoulder length hair and large gold hoops in both ears.

"BOKUTOOOOO!!!!" The other was just as loud as her siblings and looked the most 'normal' of the three. She had full black hair, choppy bangs, and wore a more modest outfit. One that still complimented her figure nonetheless.

Bokuto looked like the middle ground. He'd told me he was also second in age after the silver haired sister at lunch. He really was a perfect mix of the two. They all shared the strikingly golden eyes and resembled the look of different species of owls too.

He greeted them both with wide open arms, nearly falling over.
They showered him with kisses and bombarded him with questions.
"OYA OYA!! CALM DOWN! Other people live here you know!!" He laughed as the youngest ruffled his hair.
"Also, I'd like you to meet Akaashi!" He nodded towards me. 

The eldest gasped, removing her stiletto heels, "That's Akaashi!! Oh my- it's so good to meet you!! We've heard so much!" She ran to me with her shoes in hand and gave a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. I was beyond flustered and never before had the ceiling looked so intriguing.

"I- uhm, it's nice to meet you too." I finally managed after clearing my throat.

The ebony haired sister came my way, "Kou won't shut up about you." She laughed.

I glanced behind to see Bokuto had gone red in the face. The eldest took my hand, startling me, and walked us back over to her brother.

"So are you gonna give us a tour, or what?" The youngest asked, playfully punching her brother in the arm. The eldest let go of my hand and also pestered him about a tour.

Bokuto agreed to the requests and soon we were off around the base.

We passed the cadets in class, as even though it was the holidays, they still had training. It was three years nonstop.
Later on we went to the PT facility which had now filled up quite a bit, as well as the cafeteria and extensive library which the youngest really enjoyed.

We stayed inside for a majority of it, and there was never a dull moment with his sisters. They were more talkative than Bokuto, which I didn't even know was humanly possible. Still, the shared childhood stories and caught both him and me up on the gossip of the slums.

"Hey, uh do you happen to know if the woman living in tenement 3, floor 4, room 8 had a child?" I asked.

"Oh is that your mom?" The youngest asked.

"Yes, it is."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure she did. Though we don't see them much."

I guess nothing had changed. My parents very rarely left the house. I just hoped the little girl was able to at least see the hill sometimes.

A few hours had passed and we decided to stop at Bokuto's room after the base tour.

As expected, the lay out was identical to all other living quarters. The titan was out, so we were the only ones there. The sisters took the top bunk, the owl took the desk chair, and I seated myself on the bottom bunk.

The eldest leaned over the top bunk, "So, my brother tells us you're very good at whatever it is you do."

"Oh, well yeah I guess." God I hated small talk.

"We also saw your snow owl, and though we've made much better, it wasn't bad for the first try." The youngest leaned over too.

"Uh, thanks?" I hadn't realized Bokuto had sent that photo to them.

"Kou, pass us your phone!" The eldest seemed to almost demand it.

"Why?" He asked.

"So I can show him a photo of a proper snow owl, duh!" She stuck a flat palm out in front of her, stretching it over the bunks railing.

Bokuto was straddling the desk chair, resting his head on crossed arms over the back. He swiveled to face the desk and grabbed his phone, tossing it up to them.

The eldest hopped off the bunk and sat by me on one side before I was greeted by the youngest doing the same on the other side.

The silver haired sister opened his phone, and I noticed his Home Screen was of me posing by the owl. Why did he have that as his background? I wondered.

She flicked through his many shirtless, flexing selfies, and photos of the night sky before showing me a photo taken of a photograph in which all three were much younger and standing by a tall, and much larger snow owl.

It was quite impressive looking. They had sculpted feathers and detailing into the snow and used big marbles for the eyes as well as a carved piece of wood for the beak.
"Impressive." I said.

"Right?!" They both responded in unison and laughed.

A buzzing timer went off.
"Aw shit." The older sister pulled out a small timer from her pocket.
"That's our 3 hours up." She said sorrily looking up at their brother.

"Oh. So you've got to leave now?" He asked, reciprocating the sorrow.

"Yeah. They said they'd detain us if we went more than 15 minutes over." The younger sister replied, getting choked up.

"Damn. Well I'll walk you both back then." Bokuto's hair seemed to sadden with his facial expressions.

We all exited the room and headed back to the front of the base in time. They returned the timer and were given 5 minutes for goodbyes.

Both hugged their brother tightly and I stood by watching. Bokuto had tears in his eyes but I could see he was trying to keep it together for them. His under eyes and tip of his nose went red.

"I'll see you guys soon! Don't worry!" He gave a smile and kissed the tops of their heads stroking their hair.
"Say hi to mom for me, okay!" They nodded, giving a final hug.

In unison the sisters ran to me, engulfing me in a strong hug.
"Take care of him for us, please. You mean a lot to him." The eldest whispered into my ear before kissing my cheek and pulling away from the hug.

"I will, I promise."
She seemed incredibly thankful for that.

That solidified my feelings for him.

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