Chapter 13

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(Jack POV) Jack opened his optics and tried to move realizing he couldn't he realized that each of his limbs were held by energy.

"My bow and escrima sticks." Jack said as he groaned as he tried to reach for them.

"Don't bother." A voice said.

Jack looked to see Sentinel Prime sitting at a chair at the only table in the room.

"Where am I?" Jack asked looking around the dark room.

"You're at the autobot base scum." Sentinel said as he kicked his feet onto the table.

"And my arms and legs?" Jack asked.

"They're being held in place by that energy which is simulating stasis." Sentinel said.

"Now con you're going to have to answer my questions." Sentinel said as he stood up and walked towards Jack.

"What do you know about the Decepticon plans?" Sentinel asked.

"I'm not a Decepticon anymore I don't know anything." Jack said.

"Lies." Sentinel said as he grabbed the escrima sticks and pressed it against Jack as he screamed out in pain.

(Arcee POV 15 minutes later) Arcee walked into the control center.

"Hey Ratchet what's going on?" Arcee asked.

"Well Sentinel is torturing our captive." Ratchet said.

Wait what don't you think that's extreme?" Arcee asked.

"That's what I told him, and he just blew me off and said he knows how to get results." Ratchet said.

"Well I'm going to get Optimus and put an end to this." Arcee said as she went to find Optimus Prime.

A couple minutes later, Arcee and Optimus Prime arrived at where Sentinel was torturing Jack and the other autobots there looked uneasy not sure Sentinel was doing the correct thing.

"I want to talk to Arcee." Jack said.

"We don't negotiate with decepticons." Sentinel said as he hit Jack with the escrima stick.

"Optimus will you let me go talk to him, since he wants to talk to me we can probably get information out of him." Arcee said.

"No Arcee he wants to talk to you and we want to avoid that." Optimus Prime said.

"This is extreme and I'm a wrecker I know extreme." Wheeljack said as Jack cried out in pain again.

Grimlock was shaking at this point having flashbacks to Shockwave's lab where he was experimented on.

"Easy there buddy you're ok." Sideswipe said as he petted Grimlock's snout.

"This guy is really intense he nearly took the con offline in the forest and he would have gone offline if it wasn't Ratchet and I and now this." Knockout said.

"I'm going to talk to Sentinel and stop this." Optimus Prime said as he headed into the interrogation room.

Jack wanted to tell Sentinel who he was, but Sentinel wouldn't let him talk so Jack got frustrated.

"Hey I don't know anything, maybe you can't hear me past that big chin of yours." Jack said with a grin Mocking him.

"How dare you how about we turn this up to the highest setting." Sentinel said as he did and struck Jack with it.

Jack let lose a scream of pain and all the autobots winced as they heard the scream.

"Sentinel enough of this you've questioned him enough he doesn't know anything." Optimus Prime said as he grabbed the escrima stick.

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