Laszlo can shape shift as well as grow or retract body limbs he also has super strength and speed but can only run 10,000 miles before he starts getting tired

Everyone nodded as they explained their powers "So Y/n what does your worst form look like?" Stiles asked

"I uh don't think I wanna show you guys until I actually have to because there's a change I could harm you guys" I explained to them as they understood

We got back to finding out where Blaze was taking Daisy and Dabi my guess was somewhere he'll knew well and the only thing I knew he knew about was Beacon Hill cemetery

Look I know it seems weird but that was the last place I tried to kill him because I used to date him...

"guys I think I know where he is" I said making everyone stop talking and look over at me

"Where?!" Stiles said as he hugged Icy

"Beacon Hill Cemetery" I said they both gave me a confused look

"Why the hell would he go there does he have a fetish for dead body's" he asked sarcastically I rolled my eyes

"No dumb ass that was the last place I tried killing him cause I caught him cheating on me which I did kill the girl" I said as my pack nodded their heads as everyone else looked at me "yes I know I dated Blaze but he tricked me into think he was my mate" I added as Derek came up to me and hugged me from behind

"It's alright now let's get this asshole" Derek said kissing my head soon letting go as we all saw it was dark outside

We all got out of the loft I turned into my alpha form as my pack into their betas we honestly didn't care what people saw but then again who would believe them if they saw us

Stiles took his jeep as well as Lydia rode with him and every werewolf coyote whatever ran to the cemetery

"Grey run up ahead and see if you can find Blaze" I said as he was running right beside me he nodded and speed off running faster then all of us

"Laszlo you do the same" I said as he nodded moving faster then us before disappearing as well

"Demon once a fight is about to break loose clone yourself and make them attack Blaze" I said as he nodded but we all knew the clones weren't going to stop him cause they only had a third of his strength

We came to the cemetery so we all slowed down before coming to a stop as everyone who needed to caught their breath

Icy gave a growl in her alpha form as she smelled around "it's smells like death and dead bodies" she said I rolled my eyes

Icy gave a growl in her alpha form as she smelled around "it's smells like death and dead bodies" she said I rolled my eyes

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"I wonder why" I said as she gave me a growl which I growled back her eyes glowing

"Enough" Scott said but we continued growling at each other I snapped my jaw at her making her jump as she started lowering her head and soon started whimpering as her head came closer to the ground

"What did you say to her?" Peter asked

"Nothing you need to know" I said turning as I heard a snap I saw it was Blaze with a big ass smirk on his face

"Still threatening your little sister huh?" He said I gave a growl this made him chuckle

We heard a jeep pull up making Blaze look over and see a human and a banshee running to us

"Looks like you brought food" he said licking his lips as he stared at Lydia

"Their not food" I growled "and give my sister and Stiles's kids back" I added

"No can do" he said chuckling

"Why not" Demon growled

"Because Lilith has them" he said with a smirk I gave a growl as Blaze smirked and jumped

Demon created clones as they all attacked him but he easily took them out cause he was a strong demon any normal demon would have been killed

Blaze came straight at me tackling me to the ground making me whimper out as I hit a stone this made me turn back into my human form

Blaze was on top and looked at my body "Aww your wounds are healed" he said as he leaned down to my neck

He bite down making me whisper out as he was shoved off of me I leaned on my elbows as I gripped my neck feeling it bleed

I saw Derek had shoved him off me out of anger of hurting me and probably trying to fuck me then and there

Blaze chuckled as he got up as locked eyes with me and some of my blood was on his lips as he licked them "hmm you taste so good kitten~" he said with a smirk eyeing Derek

Derek snapped his jaw as his eyes glowed I gave a growl as I shifted into my alpha form tackling Blaze

He only laughed at this as I clawed him but by clawing him this made he yell out in pain as all my emotions that day from when I found out he cheated on me came rushing out

I felt my anger rise and was about to explode and I was scared of that so I quickly got off him turning into my human form and crawling away trying to catch my breath

"SHE MIGHT TURN" Flame yelled to everyone Blaze sat up gripping his everything as he gave me a weak smile as he tried crawling over to me but I growled as my eyes growled making them look like fire

"I know you want to" he said "just turn" he said I shook my head no

"No i-I'm not going t-to" I said

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to hurt anyone I love" I said as my back hit a tomb he smirked as I felt my anger slowly going away

This how ever made Blaze so mad he jumped at me grabbing my hair and bashing my head into the tomb multiple time making my vision blurry as well as my hearing

All I could see and hear was Blaze being ripped off of me and some yells of pain as I laid there unable to move or talk

Derek came into my view he had blood on him as he placed a hand on my cheek saying something but I couldn't really hear but I soon blacked out

The Hell Hound |Derek Hale x Reader| Book 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ