The Pregnant Wolf: The Dead Witch

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Chapter One

The Pregnant Wolf

The Dead Witch

"Over the course of my long life, I have come to believe we are bound forever to those with whom we share blood. And while we may not choose our family, that bond can be our greatest strength or our deepest regret. This unfortunate truth has haunted me for as long as I can recall."with those words Elijah started his diaries describing a fact he has been living since the day he was born more than a 1000 years ago with his siblings trying to fix whoever needed to be fixed and redeem others in terrible need for redemption.

In the Mississippi River, 300 years ago two coffins were placed on a ship on its way to the other side of the river seeking a new place to hide from a long-time-haunting enemy who had been seeking those on the ship for 700 years when two men droven by their curiosity decided to enter the ship to see what was within.

Man 1: What do you make of that?

Man 2: No banner; no flag. Floated in out of nowhere. A miracle ship.

Man 1: Why is it just sitting out there?

Man 2: Suppose we ought to find out.

and on the board of the ship the two men started looking around with total darkness surrounding except for a light lanterns carried by one of them which illuminated a spot on the mysterious boat having nothing but two closed neat coffins.

Man 2: Where in hell is everyone?

Man 1: Deserted. Which makes everything in the hold legally forfeit. Take what suits you.

Man 1: What do you make of that?

The man said those words pointing at the two closed coffins ahead

Man 1: Open it up.

The other man hesitated a bit then moved slowly and with careful steps towards the coffins placed aside and opened one of them and a young man in his early twenties with a silver dagger carved in his heart was within.

the face of the man looked so wrincked as a long-dead-cockroach while the body was dressed in a suit of a noble man living in the 17th century.

Man 2: (Looking over the body) "What the hell?!"

"Hello" a feminine voice replied.

The second man looked around facing the voice to see a young blonde pretty woman at her late teenage course of life dressed in a beautiful gown with a fair long hair style.

The girl was looking childishly at him and was having a white neat handkerchief in her right hand and then she pulled it ahead to her mouth cleaning some remains of a red mark resembling blood on it,she was having scary red eyes with red venules appearing underneath her fair white shin covering her blue sparkling pupils.

Then she continued "Lovely to see such a handsome face after a long journey. Can I eat him, Elijah?"

looking to another young man standing behind her and changing quickly her scary vampire face back to a humanly innocent apearance.

Elijah: I'd rather you didn't,Rebekah.

Elijah was a young man at his late twenties or early thirties dressed in a noble gentleman suit smiling at his younger sister then turning to one of the two exploring the ship with the same calm decent smile still on his handsome face.

Elijah: There's no need to be afraid.

Then approching the man and using a power he possessed to control his mind by a vampire trick of compulsion "And do exactly as I say. You will remember nothing."

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