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—— 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝 ——

"Mommy look! We have a new neighbor!" Little four-years-old Jaehee excitedly told her mom as she continues to jump to peek through the kitchen's windows

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"Mommy look! We have a new neighbor!" Little four-years-old Jaehee excitedly told her mom as she continues to jump to peek through the kitchen's windows.

"We should give them something mom!" A seven-years-old Jaehyun told her mom. "Shall bake some cookies?" Their mom suggested, and the two little kids agreed.

"Hon! We're just gonna give this cookies to out new neighbor!" Their mother shouted to inform their father as they go out the house.

"Hi! Where is your mom?" Jayen, Jaehyun and Jaehee's mother, asked Mark and Haechan who are standing outside.

"Eomma!!" Donghyuck shouted calling their mom earning a slap in the head from Mark, "You're too noisy! You might disturb the others." Mark whispered to him.

The two mothers introduced them to each other and continued to chat. "Hello, I'm Jaehyun! And this is my little sister, Jaehee." Jaehyun said as he pull Jaehee from his back.

"Woah! Your hair is so cute!" Mark and Donghyuck said, "What's your names?" Jaehee asked. "I'm Mark! This is my little brother, Donghyuck." They excitedly exchange names.

"We should be friends!" Jaehyun suggested, "It's been a while since we had neighbors.." Jaehee cutely said. "Don't be sad! We'll be here forever!" Donghyuck cutely said.

"Kids, why don't you all play on our backyard?" Jayen suggested, "Can we?" Mark asked, Aera, their mother. "Sure babies, why not. Just be careful, okay?" Aera reminded the four kids.

"Let's go Haechan!!" Jaehee shouted pulling Donghyuck, making the three boys and their mother stopped. "Haechan?" Donghyuck asked again, "Yes, it means full sun!" Jaehee explained.

"I'm so sorry, she just really like giving nicknames." Jayen said, "No, it's fine. It's a great name, maybe I should also started calling him that." Aera said, "Right? It's a cute name!" Jaehee interrupted the two olders making them laugh.

"And I'll call you Jaeyie then since it kind of sound a like!" Donghyuck who is now nicknamed as Haechan excitedly said. "Can we go now to our backyard?' Impatient Jaehyun asked, "Yes, we should!" Mark answered, pulling Jaeyie and Haechan.

That's the start of a inseparable quadro squad especially the two four years olds.


"Ouch! Why did you push me?" Jaehee asked, rubbing her bum that is hurting from the fall

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"Ouch! Why did you push me?" Jaehee asked, rubbing her bum that is hurting from the fall. "Because you are too smart!" Her bully told her.

"Hey! Stop that!" Another girl, Jaehee's age, shouted. Making Jaehee's bully walk away, "Are you alright, noona?" A cute little boy asked. And Jaehe just nodded.

"My name is Chenle!" The boy introduced herself, "I'm Shuhua, we're actually step siblings." She said, "Woah! That's cool! Do want to friends with me?" Jaehee offered whole scratching her nape.

"Of course! I'd like to have another noona! You should meet my other friend!" Chenle excitedly said, "Oh! There he is. Jisung-ah!" He called another little boy who is with two other boys.

"This is Jisung, my friend." Chenle introduced, "Annyeong, I'm Jisung!" The other little boy introduced himself, "This is my cousin, Jeno hyung, and his friend, Jaemin hyung." Jisung introduced them.

"Hello!" The two boys said insync. "Shuhua!" Another foreign boy came in, "Oh, hi! I'm Renjun, Shuhua's friend. And your name is?" The newly arrived boy asked.

"I'm Jaehee, I'm a 2000 liner." She said, "Oh! Mianheyo! I thought you were younger." Jisung said as he just talked to her informally, moments ago.

"Jaeyie! There you are, we've been look for you." Haechan said while Jaehyun pinched her side, making her wince. "This is my new friends!" Jaehee said, pointing at the six new kids infront of her.

Then they, again, introduced theirselves. "Woah! We have two hyungs!" Jaemin said. "You six," Jaehyun pointed at the six 2000 liners, "You should really be in class now. And also you three." Pointing again to Mark, Chenle, and Jisung.

The quadro squad became a whole group of 10 with Jaehyun being the oldest, Chenle and Jisung being the babies.

Ever since then, the ten kids stuck with one another to the point that they other six kids forced their family to move to Jaehyun, Mark, Haechan and Jaeyie's neighborhood.

Their families also started to become close with one another, from chitchatting every now and then to celebrating holidays and birthdays together.

The Zhong-Yeh family and Jung family even build a company under their names since they are in the same field in the business industry.

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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