"are you sure? the only reason you're a magistratus is because of your auntie." selena continued.

y/n rolled her eyes tired of dealing with selena, "you're right, who else promotes us besides the magus? selena, why don't you keep your mouth shut, before i shut it for you, after all, my aunt is the temple magus."

before selena could utter a snarky remark edward strode in.

"okay! vera says that you're the ones with the most potential. potential will get you into the door, but it will not guarantee you a seat, " edward rips off the cloth which was obstructing the view of what appeared to be an obsidian block, "at the table." he continued.

"this obsidian block is estimated to be between, mhm, 1,500 and 2,000 years old." he gesticulates to the block.

"but spoiler alert. this is no ordinary... hunk of rock," he says, dropping a bug onto the rock which in turn burst.

"something is inside this obsidian that people don't want others to have. i want you to reverse engineer the magic protecting this stone."

y/n notices alyssa begins to write "deleatur?" on her notebook, as kyle glances at the word on the book before speaking up.

'of course he would, arrogant prick....' y/n thinks to herself.

"magus?" kyle steps forward, "with your permission?" he continued, as edward motioned towards the rock, as a signal to continue.

kyle raised a knife to his right hand before slicing it and muttering "deleatur", flicking his wrist toward the stone.

shortly after the flick of his wrist, his right forearm collided against his upper arm, his limb broken now, bone sticking out.

he gasps in pain, which puts a small smirk on y/ns face, 'serves him right...' roaming in her mind.

"you know how to heal that?" edward breaks the silence. kyle responded with a shake of his head 'no'.

"right. my driver will take you to the hospital."

kyle walks out of the room, hunched over, cradling his right arm the best that he can.

edward picks the obsidian up from its frame, "now that you know what you're dealing with, impress me." before he follows behind kyle.

"alyssa. make sure the temple gets a proper cleansing." are his last words.

"at once, magus." alyssa replied.

"now we know why she's here." diego called, his arm around selena's shoulder calls, a smirk on his face as she laughs before they continue to make their way out of the temple.

a sigh falls from alyssa's lips.

"don't worry about them medicum, you're not here for that. they just feel threatened by you." the y/h/c (your hair colour, i.e. brunette, blonde) girl spoke up.

"thanks, magistratus." alyssa responded.

y/n simply nodded in return, before stalking off to go pester her aunt, she had an idea about an incantation that might work on reversing the magic which was protecting the obsidian.

next day...

y/n's fist met the door as she knocked.

she could faintly hear the word "aperiatur" slip from her aunt's lips, as the doors opened.

"magistratus." vera greeted y/n.

y/n rolled her eyes, her aunt had always been so persistent in remaining professional at the temple, so that other members never thought y/n only got in due to vera.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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