He had dropped his credit card with PIN on the bedside table. He didn't even have the courtesy to hand it over to her personally

So any self-respecting girl would refuse to use that, her brain pointed out

Maybe!! But then that would only work when the man involved cares to notice. But he would notice when there is a huge dent in his bank account.

That's how she is going to get back at her husband

"As if you need a reason for shopping. It's just a get together with bhai's friends D. Nothing grand" Siddhu grumbled rolling his eyes

"I will go shopping in the morning and come directly to your house. Tell aunty I will be there for lunch." Drishti declared

Her phone binged and Drishti groaned when she saw the message.

"What is it??" Siddu asked

"It's him," Drishti said

"Your husband??" Siddhu asked cheekily

"My husband doesn't even have my phone number. It's Sharan" Drishti said

"What's the message"

"Heyy darling. Missing me?? I miss you like hell. No worries, I will be with you in two months. Love you. Hugs and kisses" Drishti read the message out loud and Siddhu snickered

"Don't laugh you, idiot. Tell me how to stop this non-sense"

"Tell him you are married," Siddu said and Drishti bobbed her head in approval

'Sharan. I don't know how to tell you this. But I got married recently. Please stop messaging me. My husband is very possessive about me'

She sends the message and looked up at Siddhu

"Done," she said

"I thought you wouldn't be the first one to tell someone that you are married" Siddhu poked fun at her

Drishti's eyes widened realising what she had done

"I forgot"

"What was that you said. It's a matter of my ego" Siddhu said imitating Drishti

"This is different. It was an emergency" Drishti defended herself

"Whatever lets you sleep at night"

Another message

'Haha. Nice joke D. Can't wait to see you'

"What am I going to do with him??"

"You should have thought about that before encouraging him"

"I never encouraged him," Drishti said offended at Siddu's accusation

"Neither did you discourage him," Siddu said

"What non-sense"

"You love the attention D. Admit it. You enjoy being the object of these lovesick boys' adoration. You revel in it. You are like the Queen bee here" Siddu said and Drishti scowled

"I never had any relationship before" Drishti pointed out

"True. But you love it when they run around you begging for a glance. You lead them on" Siddhu shrugged

"I don't" Drishti defended

"Maybe you don't realise it. But that's what you are doing. I'm a guy. And I know" Siddu said

"I didn't mean to lead anyone on. It was just for fun"

"It's fun for you. It might not be fun for everyone. Take Sharan for example. It began as an innocent flirting. His feelings became strong. I kind of thought he would forget you once he goes abroad. You know, finding all the foreign chicks. Seems like he is still stuck on you. Your marriage will be a huge blow on him" Siddhu said

"Should I just block him??" Drishti asked

"See. That's what I said. You should have blocked him long back. He would have taken the hint. You didn't. Which might have given him the idea that you do have some feelings for him" Siddhu explained

Drishti looked down in guilt

Maybe she did encourage them in some ways

Is that why God punished her with a husband who could care less whether she exists or not

"I'm going home," Drishti said and swung her backpack onto her slumped shoulders

"I didn't say that to hurt you D," Siddhu said seeing her fallen face

"I know. And I love you because you are always straight with me" Drishti said and hugged him before walking towards the parking lot

She drove towards the penthouse suite in her scooty

As she entered the penthouse suite she heard some sound from the bedroom

Did someone break into the apartment

She grabbed a flower vase ready to attack the thief

She pushed open the walk-in closed door and the sight that welcomed her was a half-naked Shravan standing in front of a heap of clothes

She looked down again

Her clothes

He pulled out her clothes from the wardrobe??

"How dare you???"


Here goes the next shot

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Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now