Chapter 1, Part 7: Stress and Fluster

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Cloudy. Tight.

Emiko trudges through the hallway silently, holding his head down. He follows Suki's earlier directions, running them over and over in his head. He tries his best to avoid all forms of social interaction, keeping an eye out for close passersby. The hallways around this area seemed emptier than usual. A left, a right.

He feels his breathing quicken, his head feels light, and his throat squeezes. It always happens in the same order. Quick breaths, lightheadedness, a tight throat, among other symptoms... but, as repetitive as it is, Emiko never gets used to it.

He had been bumped into by some students who thought it was funny earlier. It didn't exactly hurt Emiko, but he didn't appreciate it with the state he was in. What if I can't even make it through this hallway... Emiko stops his thoughts. He takes a right. No. Don't think of that. Just keep going. That's all you need to do. Keep breathing, keep walking. A right here, another right here...

He lifts his head, trying to clear his mind. He takes gazes at the colorful posters on the walls. He closely observes every one of them. They read,

"Science fair! October 30th! Be there or be squared!"

"Do you have what it takes to create the scariest project?

"Here are the top five nominated projects from our Sharks at Stark Shark High!"

So many had to do with the science fair; around ninety percent of them either advertised the date or bragged about previously made projects. Is it really that big of an event for this school? Emiko ponders. Maybe it is. Does that mean I'll have to get on a stage and present..? Dude, don't think about that right now. I mean, I'm glad that I AM thinking.

He reaches out for the door knob. It feels oddly warm. Geez, my hands must be freezing if this handle is warm in comparison. That's never a good sign. Emiko twists the doorknob and slowly creaks the door open. His heart relaxes as he scurries into the classroom, lifting his head for just enough time to find an isolated seat. Perfect, this one. Emiko's eyes set on a desk with only a few empty seats nearby, far in the corner. The closest student was about five feet away. Good enough. He sets his stuff down on the table next to it and sits down.

Emiko looks down at his palms. They were completely pale and could be a lot drier, too. He knew what he had to do. Trying to hide it the best he could, he takes a deep breath, holds it, and lets it out slowly. His hands regain a bit of color. Emiko takes a big but concealed sigh of relief. His heartbeat slightly calms.

He gains the courage to lift his head and observe the classroom. It was oddly large. Good for him, as he could be as far away from others as possible. His attention draws toward the doorway. People arrive in the classroom periodically. Some are alone, and some are with others. He intently watches the entrance to see if anyone he recognizes comes through. No... No... No... Oh?... No, never mind... Emiko lowers his eyelids sorrowfully as strangers enter the classroom, one by one. Am I really going to be alone in this class?

Just then, someone familiar walks through. Emiko, however, was not too elated.

Oh no. Of everyone who could have walked through, why did it have to be her? He cries in his thoughts.

"Hey, Emiko! I just can't wait for this class to start!" Shika sits down next to him.

"Y-You seem awfully happy. That's new." Emiko nervously remarks.

"That's because I absolutely LOVE nature, so you BETTER not ruin it for me." She demands, setting down her stuff forcefully.

Oh my God, I can't do this right now. Emiko sulks. He puts his hands up as if the police were interrogating him. "I-I would never do such a thing. I love nature too-"

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