Training for the Flying Thunder God Jutsu

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What you're about to learn is gonna change everything for you.  It'll give you an edge most shinobi are never gonna be able to match.  Only one person has ever used this jutsu.


I'll tell you here in a bit.  But you need to go to a weapons store and buy these items.  Get something to write with and put these down.

Naruto did as the kyuubi said, and prepared himself for the list, although part of him already knew his poor, poor wallet was gonna hate him after this.  Okay, hit me with it.

Buy a katana with the blade being fifty centimeters long, ankle weights, wrist weights, and a weighted vest which can increase in weight with chakra.  Buy about one hundred three pronged kunai with an area on the handle where you can place a seal around.  It should be around twenty centimeters in girth to allow for the seal.  Also get some sealing paper and ink as well as a small brush.

Uh... that's a lot, and do you think I'm rich?  I'm an orphan... I CAN'T AFFORD ALL THAT! Naruto cried out in his mind, earning a laugh from the fox.

No you fool.  This won't cost you more than the money you spend a week on food alone, and considering you only buy ramen... I think you'll be able to get by.  Just don't pig out on it.

But... it's so good.


NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Naruto screamed in his head, falling to his knees and holding his arms out.

You're dramatic.  Let's get moving.

Naruto went to the nearest weapon store and spotted a girl he recognized from the academy.

"Hey Tenten." he greeted, happy to see a familiar face, and not having to talk to the rude demon fox.

"Oh, hey Naruto.  What are you doing here?  I've never seen you come here before." Tenten asked, surprised to even see Naruto.  If it wasn't in the Academy and now the very rare chase through the village following one of his pranks, Naruto did tend to make himself scarce.  She was wearing a pink sleeveless blouse and dark green pants with her hair up in two buns, and Naruto couldn't help but notice she was a little taller than him.  Sitting in those seats really did not give him any inclination at her height.

Tenten noticed the new attire he was wearing and mentally noted it looked so much better than that tacky orange jumper.  "I've been thinking about increasing my training.  I know for a fact that I generally didn't study enough or practice enough, so I figured I'd get ahead of the situation before orientation."

"Oh, really?" she asked, surprised.  Of course Tenten knew that Naruto's dream was to become the Hokage, you can only hear 'I'm going to be the Hokage someday, believe it!' so many times before it's etched into the back of your mind, but to actually see the renowned slacker taking the initiative, it was refreshing to see.  She knew Naruto had been stepping up in class towards the end of the year and that was why he was in the top three, but he still had a ways to go.  "I'm glad to hear it.  Love the new outfit by the way."

Naruto gave a bright grin to her, grabbing the jacket and puffing his chest out jokingly.  "I know, I make this look goood.

Tenten laughed at his antics before becoming serious.  "Anyway, what do you need?"

Naruto handed her the list and she got to work on it collecting the orders.  The kunai order was almost a problem, but her father had the time to get all of them finished today, so he'd be able to have them by the end of business this evening.

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