Chapter 8

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3rd Person POV

"Let us play a game!" Said a cheerful Viola as she stood infront of the three boys. The three sons of the four dukes of the kingdom of Lev stared at the only daughter of The Duke of the North in confusion. "W-what type of game?" Asked James bravely, still weary of the girl. "Hmmmm... Ah! I know. Perhaps we could play a game of hide and go seek?" Asked Viola excitedly.

"And why should we play such  children's game?" Asked a slightly annoyed Edmund. "Well, for one, Lord Raymond's estate is the most appropriate estate for the game I am currently suggesting. Therefore, would it not be common instinct to suggest such a game?" Said Viola with a cheekily smirk. Edmund however, didn't seem pleased with her demeanor as his mouth twitched into a slight scowl for a split second before looking away with a neutral expression, clearly exasperated, yet still trying to hide that fact.

"U-um... So, who is counting?" Asked Raymond with a nervous smile as he tried to break the tension between the two young noble children. "I shall count first if everyone agrees with such a suggestion." Says Viola with a friendly smile.

Time Skip

Viola walks around the small forest surrounding the Genie estate. Knowing there is a gate that surrounds the estate, Viola concentrates in looking carefully through every corner, seeing as they could not have gone far, even if the forest is big regardless. 'Hmmmm. I have found Lord Raymond. However, where could Lord James and Lord Edmund be?' Wondered Viola as she searched. That is, until she caught movement from the corner of her eyes.

Viola tensed suddenly as her senses heightened in concentration and her heartbeat quickened. Viola now fully alert, tries to pinpoint where the movement she had seen came from exactly. As her eyes pierced the bushes, eyes rapidly darting from place to place, she finally caught an ever so slight twitch from a bush located infront of a maple tree.

At first glance, the bush seems to be right at the base of the tree. But upon further inspection, Viola deduced that there could be a possible gap between the tree's trunk and the bush, one where a small child could fit in.

With that assumption, Viola proceeded to sharply turn to the left of the bush, as if she had suddenly heard something from that direction. She then slowly walked towards that direction discreetly as if she was creeping up on someone.

Seeing this, the person hiding behind the bush felt relief wash over him. He didn't make a sound however, as he kept his guard up while Viola was still in the vicinity. Although, what he had not expected was for Viola to yell "Found you!" From right behind him in an excited tone of voice just as he had sighed a breath of relief when he saw her walk past his bush.

Edmund screeched terrified as he almost had a heart attack out of pure fright. Hearing his screech, Viola desperately tried to hold back her giggles so as to give the poor boy at least a bit of the dignity he had lost, but alas she seemed to be far too amused. Meanwhile, Edmund was too busy trying to calm his quickened heartbeat and to hide his slight trembling. "W-w-what was the purpose of that?!" Asked Edmund indignantly, voice slightly shaky. "Purpose? Why dear Lord Edmund, my sole purpose is to enjoy the game to the fullest of it's potential" Stated Viola smugly while feigning ignorance as to why he was so worked up. Hearing this, Edmund huffed with a shaky breath and stood up with a slightly flushed face, having been humiliated.

Viola, seeing his blushing face couldn't help but giggle slightly, until she caught his shaky hands that he was trying to hide and smiled softly. "Apologies, I will not do this again if it has frightened you this much." Said Viola, feeling slightly guilty for spooking the uptight and prideful boy.

[DISCONTINUED] Reincarnated: Turning an Otome Game Into a BL! Heck Yeah!Where stories live. Discover now