006 | it makes sense

505 29 11

third person

the second day of tryouts was quicker than the first one. coach johnson started cutting people off, leaving roughly 40 out of 75 boys who tried out. today's practice was to see who would make it to varsity or who would stay on the jv team. in his old school, zach was on the varsity team his sophomore year. although, it didn't last long when he got kicked off the team halfway through the season.

"alright everyone gather up, we're ending practice with another scrimmage." coach johnson blew his whistle, bringing all the boys in one big circle. "for now we'll have darwin and fallon be captains, darwin you're blue team and fallon you're yellow."

peter and michael stepped in the middle of the circle, each grabbing their designated pennies. the boys did rock paper scissor for who'd get first pick, which ended up being michael. he chose his first pick, which was one of the defense players. peter went next, choosing one of his friends that were also good.

"avery." michael said, motioning for him to come to his team. jack nodded a goodbye to zach as he left his side and went over to his team. the boys went back and forth until zach was the last one standing.

johnson looked at both teams and saw that peter needed one more player, "alright herron looks like you're with darwin."

zach walked over to his team and slipped on the blue pennie over his shirt. they had 5 minutes to come up with a game plan before it was time for them to play.

coach johnson blew his whistle, starting the game. jack was on goalie for the yellow team, and zach was offense for his. the game was neck and neck for the most part. and with the limited playing time, the score relied on the offense for both teams at this point.

the time quickly ran out and the blue team ultimately won. zach made the final score, as usual, but everyone could tell jack wasn't on his A-game. since it was friday, johnson let them all leave for the showers with no consequences.

savannah waited for jack outside of the boys' locker room again, seated against the cool brick walls of the school basement. she was also changed out of her soccer clothes and wore a baby blue romper and white denim jacket. she wanted to get the most out of her summer clothes before autumn came rolling in just around the corner.

in the locker room, zach was in his normal clothes and dried his hair as he walked over to jack's locker where he was putting on his shirt.

"hey." he began, holding onto the straps of his backpack.

jack looked over to him as he closed his locker, "hey." he nodded his head.

zach knew something was off about him. all day he noticed jack giving him some standoffish vibe towards him. it wasn't just jack, savannah too. at least after lunch he noticed the two started acting weird around him, but he had no idea why.

"are you mad at me or something?" though he felt like an idiot for asking, he couldn't help himself.

jack looked at the teen and shook his head, "no, why would you say that?"

"i don't know." zach shrugged, "you just seem off today." the two started to walk out of the locker room side by side. jack's response was a simple shrug, which said more than enough for zach.

"and it's not just you, savannah's acting weird too y'know." jack froze at that, knowing for a fact that sav was on the same page as him. "it's like after lunch both of you just shut down on me." zach kept going until he stopped at the exit, his eyes wide.

"wait a minute." jack looked over to him and raised a brow, "i think i know what's going on here."

"and that would be?"

"you and savannah are dating." zach said with such realization. jack's head almost snapped as he turned to him, shaking his head. "oh come on man it's fine, and it makes sense."

"it does?" zach pulled him into one of the aisles of lockers away from the exit.

"it does. i mean, you knew i thought she was pretty or whatever and you've known her for forever. all that advice about guys really was coming from experience. and savannah, well she never really showed any interest for me so it all makes sense now."

jack stared at him blankly, not even sure what to say anymore. "zach i-"

"it's fine jack, we don't have to talk about it anymore. you can tell savannah your secret is safe with me." zach patted his shoulder, the two walking out of the locker room to see savannah waiting for them. zach gave jack a look, running off before the blonde was able to even say a hello.

the two watched as he ran out of the building, leaving them alone. a confused look on her face, savannah looked at the stressed jack. "what was that all about?"

the boy shook his head, opening the exit door for her as they walked out. "long story, i'll tell you later." they got to the parking lot and into jack's car where he drove out to the park where the rest of their friends were waiting for them.

"there you two are!" rowyn beamed as jack and sav walked over to the middle of the field where everyone was seated. jack sat down next to kesley, giving her a small kiss on the cheek while sav sat next to rowyn and daniel.

handing them each napkins, daniel moved the pizza box over to them. "we saved some for you, as hard as it was." everyone laughed a bit, though no one was surprised by the fact.

"so how was tryouts?" jonah asked the two.

corbyn followed up with another question, "yeah did you guys make varsity?"

both of them nodded simultaneously, eating their slices of pizza. "you already know." jack laughed, but in the inside he was nervous to death and nobody there knew why.

though nobody spoke of it or said it out loud, all of them were thinking about the news on zach. they knew he did some bad stuff, but they didn't think it was like that. daniel, rowyn, jack, kesley, and sav all had classes with him, and even though only 2 out of the 5 of them actually talked to him, they were all somewhat distant.

did savannah and jack feel bad about the fact? definitely. but neither of them knew what to say. and now with jack thinking that the two of them were dating just added more into the mix. jack didn't know how much longer he'd have to keep it up before breaking the truth to either zach or his friends.

they were all close with each other to the point where it was impossible to keep a secret. so how long would it take for everyone to notice jack's little dilemma? or maybe even jack and sav's dillema.




this just opened up a wormhole of ideas im excited now 🥸

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