Start from the beginning

She wouldn't, though. The whole Abrams family had been so unbelievably kind to her after she'd returned from Regionals with the twins earlier in the evening. Nancy had greeted her with a massive hug as soon as she had hopped into the car, and Lia and Artie had kept talking to her about mundane things as they had eaten dinner, both of them trying to be as positive as possible for their friend. Despite the New Directions having lost the competition, and thus, their funding for the club.

It was these reasons, and acts of kindness by the family, that were making Luna feel as sad as she was. She wasn't a stupid girl, she never had been. Luna knew that this living arrangement was only a temporary one. Even if Nancy had insisted that Luna stay with them for as long as she needed to, Luna knew that her presence in the Abrams' residence would be a financial burden that they just didn't need. Nor could they afford it. Nancy Abrams was an extremely hard-working single mother, who had to, not only provide for her twin children, but also pay for all of Artie's medical bills, which right now, seemed to be in a state of limbo because of the current financial crisis of the country.

Luna knew that her staying with them would eventually turn into just another mouth to feed for the already struggling mother. And Luna didn't want to cause any trouble for the woman who, throughout  the years, has been more of a mother to her than Claudia had ever been.

Turning to face the other way, towards Lia's sleeping form, Luna found herself sighing once again. As she opened her eyes after closing them for a few, brief seconds, the Moretti girl jolted back in surprise as she was met by Lia's whispered voice.

"Can't sleep?" Lia asked, quietly.

Luna jumped slightly, not expecting the Abrams girl to still be awake. "Holy shit, Lia!" She whisper-yelled. "You scared the shit out of me. How are you awake? I heard you snoring, like ten seconds ago."

She felt Lia shrug in the darkness. "Your sighing, and tossing and turning woke me up." Lia told her.

Luna, once again, sighed. Running a hand down her face. "I'm sorry." She apologised. "No, to answer your question, I can't sleep."

Lia's hand came out from underneath her duvet to rub Luna's arm comfortingly. "Is it your parents?" The younger girl inquired.

Luna paused for a second, debating whether or not to blame her inability to sleep entirely on them. But, she knew that another main reason she couldn't sleep, and it was a certain something that had also happened earlier that night.

Or, should she say, a certain someone.

"Uh, yeah." Luna breathed out. "It's kinda that. I miss my bed and stuff, and my stuffed animals, and my fairy lights. But, I don't really miss them." Luna paused her ramble, biting her lip. "Does that make me an awful person? Because I don't miss my own parents?"

Even with only the small light of the light-up ladybird on the wall, Luna could see her friend vehemently shake her head.

"No, of course you're not a bad person." Lia adamantly told Luna. "You're parents are the awful ones for kicking you out because you didn't wanna go along with their stupid, fake facade anymore. The fact that they wouldn't even let you be a part of the glee club even though it made you happy makes them the awful ones. Okay?"

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