"Well it's not that big of a deal..." I said rubbing my arm with the other hand.

"Then tell us!" Damon asked.

"Well its just... I dont know, I have some sense of control whenever I fed from Kai..." Their eyes brightened up and they looked at each other, I scoffed.

"You've fed from him? You know like other then when you were showing us that weird thing with your face?" Damon asked.

"Well you would too if you hadn't seen a single human being in 90 years!" I blurted out.

"Well that cant be the only thing you've done." Stefan said.

"Yeah no kidding, she probably learned all of her moves from Klaus."

"Damon!! I'm your sister for crying out loud, I am not talking to you guys about this right now."

"Right now?!" Stefan asked.

"How about ever! If Damon's wants the details by all means- tell him. Me? Do not include me, I dont wanna know." He said standing up, me and Damon laughed and stood up. I almost fell over but Damon caught me because he was standing right next to me. Stefan turned around.

"Everything alright?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yeah. Other then Damon drugging me with a toxic plant for vampires, I'm fine Stef." He chuckled and nodded, and walked up the stairs.

"You got it?" Damon asked, I nodded.

"Yeah, let's go. Where's Kai?"

"Jesus, hes with Elena upstairs. Hes fine, y/n."

"Ok." We walked out and my nose caught a smell. I turned my body towards the opposite way the stairs were. I took a few steps and saw blood bags.

"Damon. Elena and Kai are gone." Stefan said rushing down the stairs.

"What?" I asked spinning my body towards them.

"Well where are they?"

"I don't know!" Damon said.

"Well then why the hell are we standing here? Let's do something!"
I sped upstairs and they followed.

"Y/n, a while down the road there is a high school, check it. Me and Stefan can go through the rest of town."

"Great." I said walking out, before I got far a hand had wrapped around my arm so I couldn't get far.

"Do you know what this is?" Stefan asked handing my a rectangular black device.

"Something to smash?"

"Um, no. This is a phone-"

"Alright Stef, teach her after we find my girl and the guy that will probably kill her." Damon interrupted.


"Sorry, but its true."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Now get in the car and drive- you know how to drive, right?"

"Yeah but I dont have a care, I'll just run there. What's the name of the building?"

"Timberwolves." Stefan said, I nodded and disappeared.

I somehow found it and entered the building. I quietly walked down the halls and when I turned a corner I saw a girl hanging from the ceiling from her hands and a guy bent over, hands on knees looking through a window.

"What the hell." The guy looked at me, it was Kai. I stood there and pointed at the girl.

"Elena?" He nodded with a smile and we walked towards each other. When we touched I placed my hands on his biceps and he put his hands on my waist.

A New Face (KAI PARKER AND READER)Where stories live. Discover now