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A week later me and Kai packed up our lives, which was just bottles of bourbon and some clothes, then headed to Portland. His home town, where he was neglected and never loved.

For him his house was a bad memory, a place he despised. For me, my house reminded me of my brothers, the only people keeping me alive, they were my happy place in all of this hell.

It just showed how different me and Kai are. How if something were to happen between us itd be worse then me and Klaus.

And Klaus with me was bad. It made me very mentally unstable and it fucked with my head. Made me the amazing monster person that I am today. I wounder if one day I'd get over myself and love this part of me, the part the really didnt give a damn, the scary and care free part of me. When I was sent here I turned into a control freak, I turned into the scared little girl that I was under my fathers abuse and control.

I often thought about this when I wasn't in his sight, I would zone out and I never usually zone out around people. But I could stop myself today, we were in the car on our way to his hometown.

"Whatcha thinking about?" He set his hand on my thigh and lightly rubbed his thumb.

"My life, and how much of a little bitch I am then how I used to be. You would've loved me back in my day, I was the best crazy person in the world. Now I'm just a scared little girl."

"Why the sudden feelings?"

"I... dont know. Just in a quiet place, and it makes my mind wounder when I dont want it to."

"How can I help?" I hated how nice he was.

"I dont know, throw me off a cliff or something. Also, if I'm aloud to ask, why are you being do nice?"

"Because you deserve 'nice', y/n. You deserve love and someone to care about you."

"I'm sorry but just... stop. I know all your doing is trying to help but I dont need it or want it, I was fine for 90 years with my brain screaming at me. I'll be ok for two days."

"God you're such a bitch when we travel." I looked at him, basically giving me the death stare, he looked at me like he didnt say anything wrong.

"Do you want to repeat those words?"

"Sure, I said God you're such a bitch when we travel." My jaw fell and I was amazed that he said that.

"Why the fu-" Then, nothing.


I woke up a few days later leaned up against a tree stump.

"What the hell Malachai?!" I screamed, he was no where in sight. I looked to my right and there was a grand White House. I stood up and stumbled a little bit, walking up the stairs to the house.

"Malachai!!!" He appeared in front of me out of nowhere, making me jump.

"Jesus, Kai. Where are we?"

"My wonderful, abusive, childhood home." I nodded and stepped up the last stair. We walked in and all I could smell was the blood that was on the floor, across the walls and up the stairs.

"I love your work." I said putting my fingertips over the blood stain on the wall as I walked.

"Was it fun?"


I chuckled and kept following him. He lead me to the living room and started looking at all the books he had in a case.

"Sit." He said, he probably felt me over his shoulder. I sat on a chair and sat there quietly.

"Anything you need help finding?"

A New Face (KAI PARKER AND READER)Where stories live. Discover now