Wall Crawler

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Aziraphale was standing in the center of the family room, his sleeves we're rolled up, and he looked quite shaken. "Crowley, you're daughter has been quite....agile...just now!" He was holding baby Eden, her blue serpent eyes we're gazing up at the ceiling as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Wot? Wot just happened?" He was at Aziraphale's side and ran a hand through Eden's dark red curls.

"She just crawled up the wall! I nearly discorporated! I was able to get her down before she could climb any higher, I only turned my back for one second and-"

Aziraphale didn't get to finish his sentence because Crowley had taken Eden into his arms and was starting to get emotional.

"She did? Really? My baby girl had her first crawl, and I missed it! Oh I'll never forgive myself! Oh my Queenie you're so wonderful and brilliant!" Tears stung his eyes as he smothered Eden with kisses. "I'm so proud of you Eden!"

He walked towards the nearest wall and set the baby down and said, "Eden baby, can I tempt you to a quick crawl for Daddy?"

Aziraphale face palmed, "You're hopeless Crowley!"

Eden was a smart little thing, she seemed to understand what her Daddy wanted and crawled on the wall just for him, and Aziraphale once again nearly discorperated. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2021 ⏰

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