Act 5: Streets Of The Dead

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At the airport two guys within the airplane ready to take whatever passengers they had inside their plane got ready to take flight, none of those in the plane were bitten nor were running fevers so it looked all good to go...

Meanwhile within a military tank a white haired women who just so happened to be Ichika's mother was barking orders to her men who were still within the group alive and well, she stated to them that once they reached outside the city that they were going to be not only searching for their families but her own as well.

"Ma'am are you sure we should be doing this? We're going against orders..." One soilder asked.
"I don't care, I refuse to leave my daughter out there. If your having second thoughts be my guest to get the hell out." Ichika's mother glared at him.
"You shouldn't bother Captain Kobayashi about this...she's clearly a mother before she's a solider so either pipe down or leave." One defended their captain.
"Sorry ma'am..." The guy replied and didn't speak.

Back with the people at the airport two people were there to help deal with whatever zombies roamed the runway, one of them was a nice lady with purple hair and was one hell of a sniper that's for sure.

"How's your friend doing? She's on land right?" The guy asked.
"She decided to ignore orders to go look for her daughter, apparently she was able to get in contact with her and is going to meet up with her." She replied.
"You know the kid?" The guy asked.
"Yup cute girl, smart yet such a strong young lady. She'd put you on your ass if you piss her off enough. Heh, that is my god daughter after all too." The women winks at the man clearly proud of Ichika.

Though she was indeed worried for her friend, sure she knew how to protect herself but it still didn't stop her from worry. Not to mention how Ichika was handling all this, poor girl must be scared despite the fact she knew Ichika would try to put up a brave face.

'I know you'll be able to meet up with your mother soon, just hang in there kiddo...' She thought.

Even though she herself was gonna head back to the city she was gonna meet up with another friend who just so happens to be Miss Shizuka!

                                                     **With Shizuka And The Others**

More nonsense was being talked about in the bus, those who were once with Takashi and Ichika grew bored of this idiots voice and were hoping to get the hell out of there soon but traffic was so held up that there wouldn't be much movement anytime soon.

That's when Takagi began to talk about what they should do or what the military would decide on what to do and how it would effect everyone including them. Though by the end of the conversation she was having with Hirano...both Saeko and Shizuka appeared just as Rei and Hisashi sat up from their seats to look at her as well.

That's when Saeko mentioned that she was growing worried about Takashi and Ichika on how they were doing.

                                                            **With Takashi and Ichika**

Takashi and Ichika stared in horror as some gang members were going nuts on innocent people as well as the zombies around them as they shot bullet after bullet all around them...clearly they lost their minds and without police to stop them they didn't care.

"This is's like a damn war zone." Ichika comments on it.
"And we have front row seats for it." Takashi adds.
"Dangerous place to be, hold on tight babe." Takashi tells her while riving up the bike.
"Right." Ichika nods.

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