Act 2: Escape From The Dead

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||A/N: There's gonna be a lot of switches in this chapter, I mean it is going by the anime so yeah...hopefully you'll forgive me...well those who bother to read this book that is...||

Takagi and Hirano both watched those still alive in the school pretty much turn not only into undead themselves but also into rather bigger assholes when it came to trying to get out of the school alive. No surprise there honestly though.

Since standing around wouldn't do them any good they decided to run off within the halls to find a place where they could hide for now since where they were at now wasn't really safe...then again where the hell in this place was even safe?

"Takagi, where do you think your running too?" Hirano asked.
"And what exactly is your brilliant plan?" Takagi asked instead.
"Well, I was going to talk to the teachers..." Hirano says.
"That's pointless, what do you think a bunch of stupid teachers can do about it?" Takagi replied.
"But Takagi! This is's kinda..." Hirano starts.

Already having enough of this Takagi asked him if he wished to die or live, not to mention other students had the same idea and as result, they got killed by the very teachers inside the faculty room.

"You want to live right? Then stick with me. Let's go chubby." Takagi tells him.

                                                                         **On The Roof**

Takashi and Ichika were sitting together with Ichika between her boyfriend's legs as she took the moment to just rest her eyes as she had seemed to have fallen asleep on Takashi, a tanned hand gently pushed her bangs away from her face as Takashi smiled at his sleeping girlfriend.

"I'm amazed she can fall asleep in a time like this." Hisashi comments.
"She seems so relaxed for someone who nearly went into a complete panic attack," Rei mutters looking away.
"Leave her be, she's been through a lot today...we all have." Takashi sighed.

Not long later though Ichika woke up with a gasp as she had been not dreaming rather having a nightmare, this startled Takashi who grabbed her shoulders asking if she was okay which she nodded after taking a few deep breaths trying to calm herself down.

"Are you okay?" Takashi asked.
"Y-Yeah...just a nightmare." Ichika sighed.
"Surprised you were able to get any sleep at all," Hisashi says.
"Not much at all really..." Ichika whispered shaking her head.

After a few more words of comfort to Ichika was made Rei asked her if she could use Ichika's phone to call her father, commenting that there was a number that she could use to quickly get her father on the line hopefully to tell him she was okay and that they needed help.

"Sure here...hopefully he can tell us what to do since he's a police officer," Ichika replied handing over her phone.

But the call ended up horrible as her father couldn't hear her but did explain little bits of what they should do before the line got cut off, when Ichika was given her phone back Rei began crying since her father couldn't hear her voice. This worried Ichika and she quickly tried to call her mom.

"What are you doing? Hisashi asked while holding Rei.
"See if my mom has any plans for what to do..." Ichika says.
"But didn't you say she might not even answer?" Takashi asked.
"I still have to try!" Ichika replied.

Calling her mother's personal phone didn't go well either as her mother did end up picking up the phone but since Ichika placed it on speaker all of them overheard her mother bark out orders to others while explaining in complete detail what they should do and where they needed to go for her team to come to save them. What made Ichika's blood run cold was the dying screams of some people, gunshots and then this line too went dead.

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