Act 1: Spring Of The Dead

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||A/N: I'm back! But writing for this old anime I watched before, I'll be slowly updating this book instead so sorry everyone for those waiting on other stories. Those ones will be on hold for a while longer...also those who've watched the anime and read the manga...just a heads up I'm keeping a certain character alive for the sake of this story so yeah...||

'I stayed up late on the day before everything came to an end. Never did we ever imagine that what was in the movies could ever happen in real life...'- Ichika Kobayashi

Upon the roof of the school, four teenagers were running hoping to find at least someplace to hide out so help would hopefully arrive. Takashi held a bat in one hand and his girlfriend's hand in the other dragging her behind him, Hisashi and Rei were just behind them.

When one of the undead were in their way Takashi let go of his girlfriend's hand for a moment and struck them down forcing that undead person to move away from him. Grabbing Ichika's hand again they ran even further up the roof of the school.

"Hurry!" Takashi shouts.

Since there was a higher part of the roof the four of them rushed there taking care of any of the zombies around them, Hisashi who nearly gotten bitten by one of those things was clutching his arm due to the pain of how tight the grip was.

"Hisashi are you okay?" Takashi asked.
"Yeah..." Hisashi says.

As Takashi helped Hisashi up the steps Ichika dealt with one of the zombies behind Rei and finished it off it a roundhouse kick which made the thing fall backwards and have its head smashed into the ground hard.

"Did you see that? We need to smash their heads to kill them." Hisashi says.
"Rei! Hisashi! Ichika! Come on!" Takashi shouts.
"We'll need something to keep them out of here," Ichika tells them.

After they all made it to the top Takashi grabbed Ichika's arm and gave her a worried but slightly angry look, Ichika sighed but looked to the side muttering why did he give a damn now suddenly? That shocked him for a moment but they ignored it as they wondered what the fuck was going on!

                                                                     **Earlier That Morning**

A girl with nice beautiful long white coloured hair was seen walking down the halls in search of her boyfriend Takashi Komuro...that would be Ichika Kobayashi. She was known to have an attitude with anyone who annoyed her or messed with her friends...she was also captain of the girl's volleyball team so she was indeed quite athletic.

Getting to the outside where the spiral stairway was she actually did find her boyfriend but over heard him mumble away about Rei or something that he and Rei made as a promise when they were kids.

'So he's still hung up on her huh?' Ichika thought with a frown.

"Ugh, that's so stupid." A voice was heard who turned out to be Takagi.
"What do you want?" Takashi asked her.
"Every time you have to face something you don't like you always come to this stupid staircase. It's like your own pity corner! Look at you! Good god! The first semester just started. How are you going to make it through the year?" Takagi asked.
"I could say the same to you, the fifth period isn't even over yet," Takashi tells her.
"It's okay because I'm a genius, unlike you who got into this school with dumb luck." Takagi scoffs.
"Takagi, why do you always diss me like that?" Takashi asked.
"Because I don't like stupid people." Takagi resorts.
"What?" Takashi asked.
"Especially those ones that can't admit their stupid. I mean, you're pretty stupid but at least you know you are. So if I tell you that your stupid, maybe by some miracle you'll be less stupid, stupid!" Takagi scoffs.
"You know that logic for a self-proclaimed genius sure stinks if you ask me," Ichika speaks up.

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