No answer

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Previously on This Changes Everything

"Hmph." Ashton huffed before walking to the door. She touched it lightly and the door stopped shaking and they didn't hear the sound of the creatures attack the door. The only questioned going through everybody's mind was, 'How is she doing that?'

P.O.V.: Third Person

Location: Futenma

"What are we going to do?" A random pirate called out.

"How do we save our friends?" Another one called out.

"It seems that our chance of survival is dependent on this child," Whitebeard spoke gaining everyone's attention.

"Chances of survival without the childs' help? The cards say 0%. Chances of survival with the childs' help? The cards say 100%. Seems as we'll do better if the child helps us." Basil Hawkins spoke to his crew, but everyone else heard as well.

"Ashton, can you help our friends out there?" Ace crouched down to her height and received a nod from the girl. "Will you help them?" He asked and she stared at him.

"Thought you didn't need protection? You strong." Aston sassed him as she turned her head. If the situation wasn't dire, most would find this funny.

"I did say that didn't I?" Ace rubbed the back of his neck, sheepishly. Ashton nodded. "I'm sorry. We need your help. You do this and we will owe you forever." Ace spoke as the girl looked around. This is a lot of people who will have to owe you.

"Can't bring back to life. Can heal." She told the man and he nodded furiously.

"That's fine." He answered. She nodded and closed her eyes. She felt for every living source and paused time for them.

"Em to" She yelled and every person was brought to her. "Laeh," she said and a green light surrounded the injured people. She clapped her hands, once, and time started back for them. Ace and everyone else looked around in shock before reuniting.

"I don't see Vista and the rest of the crew-yoi" Marco spoke up catching the Whitebeard pirate's attention.

"Pururururu pururururu purur-clank" Whitebeard answered the den den mushi.

"Pops! What's going on? We were attacked by these black cloudly things!" Someone yelled.

"I know. Are you guys alright?" He asked as everyone else quieted down.

"Yeah, we're all on the ship. The things looked like they couldn't swim so we moved a bit away from the island." He informed Edward, causing his crew to sigh in relief. "Though not all of us made it out okay. No one lost their lives though." He informed them.

"We're going to find a way to defeat them, stay on the ship. We'll be there soon." He told the crew member as he stared down at the little girl.

"Roger that Pops."


"Anything you want to tell us about those things?" Whitebeard asked and the girl turned her head. She looked at Luffy before walking over to him. She stared at him as he stared at her.

"Who's this?" He asked as he picked his nose.

"Baka!" Nami yelled as she hit him on the head.

"She's our savior!" Usopp praised.

"Eh? Savoir?" He asked as everyone deadpanned.

"Should I save them, Arius?" She asked the bunny. I believe that will result in the best for you. Although the decision is yours. "Okay then. I will save them." She nodded to herself as she walked to the door. "lleh of shtped eht ot kcab" she spoke as a read mist streamed out of her hands. She began to sweat, the more the mist came out.

"Ashton?" Ace called out as her skin paled. Her hands dropped to her sides she dropped to her knees. Arius transformed into a wolf and rushed to her side, letting her lean on him. Everyone stepped back in shock of the black wolf. Good job, hime. She climbed onto his back as she rested. Her energy almost depleted from the teleporting, healing, and opening of the gate.

"To the door." She pointed and Arius complied. She sat up and put her hand to the door.

"No! Those monsters are-" The pirates went quiet when the doors shot open and a huge gust of wind blew past them. The monsters were gone, no trace of them ever being there, other than the dead bodies scattered around. They all looked at the child and her pet walking away from the group. Sengoku stepped forward.

"Wait! Why are you here? To destroy us all?" He asked, hiding his fear. This child had saved them, she had beat the monsters that not one of them could even touch. She was powerful, something to be feared. Ashton stared at him before laying her head back down on Arius' head. Arius turned around and walked back to the ship they arrived on. Sengoku stared at her, confused about how he should feel. After displaying such power, fear and frustration built up as he received no answer.

Chapter Word Total: 823

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