{XII.} Snake Form.

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He stared at her for a moment, his lips rolling inwards as he nodded, “You're right, I don't.”

She sighed heavily, feeling really bad for saying that because she saw how much it hurt Raphael that he didn't have powers. She sure for him it feels like James is more special and she can understand why he's becoming jealous. She just wish she could make him see she loves him not James.

She leaned over and he looked away. She wrapped her arms around him and placed her chin on his shoulder, “Raphael, I have loved you for awhile. You think my feelings would change so quickly for a guy like James? He's nice but he's not who I want. If I did I would have changed him but I didn't. Isn't my wanting to save you that night and changing you enough to realize?”

He stay quiet for a moment and only blinked. He turned his head to look at her, “I just don't wanna lose you, Vanessa.”

“Than stop doubting me and trust me.” she said. “Accusing me like this will only push me away and I don't want to be pushed away.”

“I just don't feel up to your level.” he said. Her eyebrows furrowed together confused by what he means by that. “You're a Mermaid who can do amazing things. I'm just a plain old Merman.”

“Hm, you sound like me before this all happened and I never thought I would grab your attention.” she said. “I'm the same old Vanessa and I would never think I was better than you. Have I ever made you feel that way?”

He shook his head, “No. I just want to experince everything with you. I don't see how one night is such a bad thing. Mermaids don't need to sleep for days when in the water.”

She saw how much it really was imporant for him and she did want to do something for him for once. Lately she hated to admit it has been about James. She just not sure if it was a good idea since the girls and Queen Severina out there. Maybe if they stay close to Coasta Sirenas they'll be fine. She nodded, “Alright, we can. We spend the night in the ocean together.”

He smiled at her and leaned over, kissing her. She brought her hand up to his neck and he shifted a little to face him. His hands went on her waist. She felt like it been awhile since they could just relax and talk like they did. On the large boulder not knowing where they were actually felt like they were the only two people in the world.

Raphael slipped out of her hold and he cried out. Vanessa eyes widen as she turned to face the ocean and saw him disappear in the water. She looked out into the water surface and saw Queen Severina miles away. Her body stiffen a little since it's been awhile since she saw her.

Queen Severina hand was held up in the air and her fingers closed. Vanessa looked into the water before she jumped in. She looked around the water and saw some form of water quickly move in the water like a snake and Raphael was wrapped in it.

She quickly swam as fast as she could to catch up with the water that held Raphael but it was going quickly. She held her arm out and tried 'grabbing' onto it. It only slowed down enough for her to catch up. She held her hand out towards Raphael and his arm came out. Suddenly the water snake form went down and it slammed Raphael aaginst the ocean ground. Raphael tried slipping his body out but the snake water form tighten around his waist.

Vanessa eyes widen and she swam down towards them. The water sneak head looked at her and swam towards her, it's body still holding Raphael to the ground. Her eyes widen as it's mouth open and she she gasped.

She quickly dodged it before it could swallow her up. It stopped and turned it's head. With fear she had to quickly swim away from it as it lunged. She didn't know what to do, she didn't know what this creature weakness was! It's made of water! Water can't hurt water.

The First Merman.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang