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{ 𝟏𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐯 }

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{ 𝟏𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐯 }

RIIIINNGGG. I groaned as the awful sound of my alarm clock echoed through my ears. I reached over and threw it across the room. I sighed. Silence.

 "Y/N... you need to get changed," a lazy voice ordered me. "We have an hour and thirty minutes to get there and I have a meeting... so, hurry up."

 "Well that's a lot of time.. Let's just take 5 more minutes dad..." I groggily replied and heard his footsteps come closer as he slumped down on the floor next to my bed.

"Riiighhhttt...." he sighed and the 2 of us immediately fell asleep. My, what a mistake that was.

Not even 2 seconds later, the covers were pulled off of me, my blinds shot wide open, and I was being dragged downstairs along with my lazy father.

I sighed. No point in fighting back, mom is scary in the morning. 'Just sleep through it...' Then I hit my head on a table and that very much woke me up.

"M-MOOOMM! I'm awake, I'm awake!" I screeched as I tried to pry her fingers off of my ankle. She let go and turned to me with fire in her eyes. I jumped back.

"Then go get ready for school, honey." I quickly nodded and hurriedly got ready for school. I think dad was pretty frightened too because he was moving faster than usual.

Once the 2 of us were ready, we said our goodbyes to mom and left for UA. Dad got in the car and I told him that I was ok with walking there, it would be refreshing. He agreed and sped off.

"Maaannn, this year better be the best one." I whispered and heard running from behind me and I got tackled down. "Oi! What the hell-"

Kirishima. I calmed down and laughed as he helped me up. I cocked my head. 'What was he doing up so early?'

"Oi, shark boy, what're you even doing up so damn early? It's not like you. I mean you're not exactly late but you're not exactly early either?" I confused myself and shook my head.

"Well, I slept over at Bakugo's and his mom was actin' all scary so I zipped out of there," I chuckled and he waved his hands in front of him. "NOT THAT I'M SCARED OF HER! I JUST HAD TO BE A MAN AND LEAVE, DIDN'T WANNA RUIN THEIR FAMILY MORNING Y'KNOW??"

I laughed and made fun of him the whole way to school. When we arrived, we both stood in front of the majestic school gates and took a deep breath in. It was crazy how the years passed, crazy how it was already our last year of high school.

I didn't wanna leave and yet, I wanted out so bad. Makes no sense but that's how my mind works.

"Oi, shittyhair, and dumbass extra," I spun around to see a familiar angry hedgehog man with a scowl on his face. "You two look stupid just standing around."

I rolled my sleeves up and walked forward with a fake smile on my face, ready to beat him up when stupid Kirishima grabbed my arm and pulled me away.

"Eijirooo, what the hell was that for?!" I pouted and let him drag me. "I was ready to beat his ass!" He laughed as I stuck my tongue out to the pomeranian.

I got up so I could walk on my own when we reached the door to our homeroom. Class 3-A. All our old classmates would be in there so it would be just like our first year at UA, which I was very grateful for. My dad was still the homeroom teacher so really, nothing's changed, except we're all older now.

I charged down the door and only a few people were there, the early birds, which were basically Momo and Iida.

"L/N! It is not proper to kick down the door of your homeroom! Especially when our dear upperclassmen have used it before-" I cut him off by throwing my book bag at him, which he graceful caught.

"L/N! It is not proper to throw a book bag at your fellow class-" this time, Bakugo shut him up by yelling at him. I laughed and made my way to my seat in the very back. I sighed and laid my head down on my hand.

"Hey, Y/N, what crazy exercise is your dad gonna make us do this year?" Kirishima eagerly whispered as he pulled a chair up next to me.

I hummed. "Well, I asked him last night but-" I was in the middle of answering when HE walked in. That amazing person, the person that I had a crush on for nearly 2 years.

Denki Kaminari.

A/N: thats crazy bro. i thot this was a kiri x reader. it is lol jus wait

reminder: eat, drink, and sleep <3 

reminder: eat, drink, and sleep <3 

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𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝 ツ 𝐞. 𝐤𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora