People are starting to realize what's going on. You rip the knife free and dive back behind the side of the counter as bullets start flying. You would have taken his rifle, but that would put you at a disadvantage. You need to be able to move quickly because you're so outnumbered. With the one hand, there's not much that allows for that.

You look for someplace else to go. You could slip behind a wall separating another part of the café from the kitchen. No one has moved there yet. That was probably where the person you just took out would have gone after checking behind the counter.

You wait for a lapse in the fire. When it comes, you launch yourself forward.

Unknown Woman: He's running!

You kick a table over and jump behind it. They come storming into that section of the building, starting to spread around the room, not noticing that you're there. When you think you have your best chance, you jump up and slit the throat of the first person you can reach. They start choking, gagging, grabbing at their throat. When their gun hits the floor, everyone looks at you.

Now you're running again, rushing out of the building. This time you hide right next to the doors. The entrance guards spot you almost instantly and raise their guns to shoot. You throw your metal arm up to protect your vital parts, but you don't need to. Someone runs out of the building just as two bullets come your way. They drop like a rock and slide to a stop. The next person that comes out aims in the guards' direction, thinking you're that way. You don't waste time pounding your left fist against the back of their head. They lurch forward, and you bring the knife down on their back. They scream out as you pull it down, tearing apart their back.

Someone grabs your wrist as their friend falls over, screaming in that terrifying "I'm dying painfully!" kind of way. You immediately pull them towards you and headbutt them, biting your tongue in the process. You curse as they let go of your wrist. You push the knife into their gut and pull them close to buy yourself a few seconds before a shot is fired. You quickly glance into the building. Three people are piled up on the door, getting ready to come out.

You pull the knife free and push the guy back into them. As they fall back, you grab the door and slam it shut. Another few bullets fly past you from the ticket booths. You move right to a section of the ground on a different elevation than where you are now, giving yourself some cover. The jump down sends a bit of pain up your legs, but you push that aside and keep moving. They might move to get an advantage on you.

You start climbing up an old, overgrown garden on an incline toward the side of the ticket booth. There are thorns in one of the bushes that rip your jacket and tear at your skin. You keep moving quick, probably making it worse. You can't worry about it. Right before you reach the top, someone appears, aiming right at you. You dodge to the left as they fire. The bullet barely grazes your arm, it still hurts like hell, but it's not as bad as it would have been if you were really hit.

You push that aside, not stopping at all. That shot was the only one they could get off before you were on them. You sweep your leg at their ankle, knocking them off balance. A quick knife through their eye sends them onto their back. You quickly stomp on their head to do some more damage just in case they survived.

A shot comes your way, smacking into your left arm. It nearly pulls you down as your arm flies back. At the same time, it vibrates, sending an uncomfortable feeling through your body like hitting something wrong with an aluminum bat. You quickly recover and try to get more cover. You can't charge the front, the people from the café are out of the building and would surely get you. You manage to get behind a tree, squeezing tight behind it. You don't have much room to move around unless you want to get shot.

You see a back way, maybe not a traditional way out, but you could find a way. It probably leads to a staff-only room of some sort. You jump over to it, imagining that you probably had a close call as you did, and then start running again. You see a trash can up against a wall. You couldn't make the climb with one arm.

You: Fuck.

You opt to go into a building next to the ticket booth. It was probably a reception building or something. You shut the door, and now you're left in an ominously dark room. You gotta go before they get too set up.

You move through the building until you find another door. It leads right outside, in front of anyone waiting. You charge it and knock it down. Someone was standing on the other side and gets pushed forward as it slams into their back. You lock your left arm around their throat and press the knife against their side. Four people are standing around you now, forming a circle around you and closing in.

You: Let me get to my car.

Unknown Man: Let him go then.

You: Let me leave.

Unknown Man: Not going to happen.

They're going to stall until someone can get behind you and shoot you in the back. They all know they couldn't make the shot that would kill you and save their friend. None of them are willing to try to be a hero. You start stepping, pulling your hostage along.

You: I'll kill you all if I have to.

Unknown man: You know you can't.

You: I wouldn't bet on it.

You adjust your arm and brush something strapped to his side.

You: Ah, a gun.

You push the knife into the guy's stomach, keeping him standing in front of you, and grab the pistol strapped to his waist. You hope it has ammunition in it. You aim it quick.

One-shot. One down.

Another shot. Another one.

Another two. One more to go.

One last shot and they're gone.

You can hear more people coming, moving through the building behind you now, coming back around to the ticket booth. You throw the pistol aside, pull your knife out, and stab your shield in the neck. You drop him and leave the knife.


No POV...

The amusement park team gather at the ticket booth. Those left anyway. Some tried to chase Y/N but lost him quick. They're in shock, resting from the long night.

Unknown Man: There was more than one, right? They just tricked us into thinking there was one of them.

Unknown Woman: No, I was there; I saw him. He was alone... We got everyone else.

Another Unknown Man: How many more have we gotten?

Unknown Woman: Not many. They're good, staying hidden and on the move. And those we have found and killed took a few with them. None took out as many as he just did.

They all fall silent and just rest. They come to the realization of how lucky they are that his only goal was to get out and not kill them all.


Go check out my profile. Book four is up, ready to be added to your private library. It'll start after this ends.

TWD: Last (Clementine X Male Reader Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now