° - The people of the lamp

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"Well everyone is accounted for except.."

"oh no, where is she!"

"it was. .Princess Naiya"

"Of all lamps they found. .why was it hers!"

"Was our demise predestined . ."

"No no we must do everything in our power to get her back!"

Nezu stared up at the genie who had worry evident in her eyes "what are the people of the lamp, who are they" she took a seat "the people of the lamp are other genies, just like me, powerful beings with unimaginable strength"

"We had all made a sacrifice and forsaken the thought of ever being free in order to protect humankind from their own selfishness and greed, it's a glorious place, a paradise we created, we can muster whatever we want and live in peace for how long we want, though it was a far cry from reality, mortals are the cause of their own destruction and the power of the lamp would simply speed up the process"

"So we hid. .and we were supposed to remain hidden forever"

"There is not exactly a big community but there are many of us, many of us who either took the place of past genies or made terrible wishes which put us in this situation to begin with, when one lamp is found, the user has the ability to find them all"

"The golden sight"

"So your saying Kirishima or anyone who rubs the lamp can find genies" Midnight spoke taking a seat besides her "The golden sight gives them strange powers, they can find where the lamps are hidden and many waste their lives searching for the lamps, they go to the ends of the world to utilise their power, rubbing the lamp doesn't necessarily trigger that, it is when a genie accepts their master"

"There is a myth amongst the people of the lamp, if you are able to find all the lamps you will be given a power so magnificent there will be no golden chains to bind you, you will be gifted with free will, the very thing we all crave"

"Which is why, if the lamp is to be apprehended by villains you must destroy it, taking away the lamp doesn't remove the sight, unless they have completed all three of their wishes. .but even before then we know how catastrophic things could be"

"I can't put kirishima or anyone else in danger"

"Do you know if Kirishima has the golden sight" the entity crosses her arms, purple mist dancing around her form "I haven't told him, and he hasn't shown any sights yet, it's better that way, his heart and soul is one of the purest things I have ever witnessed, I am sure he can not be swayed. .but his safety is of utmost importance"

"How many wishes has he made exactly"

"One, for me to join him"

"Kirishima still has two more left"

"what if another lamp was to be found" she shook her head "then i would have to hide it once more, not all genies are the nice kind ones you see in stories, many of them are evil, manipulative and extremely powerful, we keep them locked away, Kirishima was lucky he had found someone like me, but an intention of a person plays heavily on finding good genies"

Vengeful genies were the worst kind, she knew them too well considering she had almost became one, though she was allegedly a young genie in the eyes of others as she let them believe, Naiya was one of the first, confined in solitude until she herself created the land within the lamp and soon others had joined her

"For now this is all I can tell you"

"that is fine, we will do everything in our power to protect you, Kirishima san and the other students, however this is a school for training future heroes, the less they know about you the better and in terms of power, can you use it without your master telling you to" the pink eyed girl smiled "I am a Genie, it is I who grants the wishes not the other way round"

"Wonderful, enjoy your first day at UA Naiya san" with a curt bow she retreated, only to be met with a a piece of fabric blocking her view "oh old friend what are you doing here, I told you to hide until I was sure you could come out" the magic carpet a beautiful creation with a mind of its own and only she could here it's voice

"I know I know, it's a bad move but I like it here and I'm not ready to leave anytime soon" Naiya smiled, yet this expression seemed unnatural, magic had been absent in this world for a long time and now the magic carpet was wandering the land of mortals, her face fell, when she had returned there was a shift

Something she could feel, she had awaken something else, she wasn't alone, her eyes darted across the hallway, the realm around he began to shift, a dark crimson fog engulfed her form and sinister laugh only confirmed her fears "Alvah" everything on this world was born with an opposite a contrasting force


"It has been a long time hasn't it"

"It has been a long time hasn't it"

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