Draco x fem!reader

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You are Harry's twin sister and you are secretly dating. This takes place in sixth year


I was sat at the Gryffindor table in the great hall looking for Draco. I needed to talk to him. For a few weeks, he had been acting really strange. He wasn't eating, he wasn't sleeping and he wasn't making time to meet up with me in private like we used to.

"Harry, there's Katy bell" Hermione whispered to Harry. He got up and began to talk to her. I watched and tried to listen to the conversation, but it was to loud in the great hall for me to hear anything. Then I saw Katy look right past Harry, as if she had seen a ghost. I turned my head to see what she was looking at. There stood Draco, who also looked like he had seen a ghost. His skin was paler than usual and his eyes were red. He quickly turned around and ran out of the great hall.

I went to get up and follow him but before I did, Harry sped off in the same direction as Draco. I got up and ran after Harry. I slowly followed him to the boys bathrooms and stood outside, hiding behind a pillar.

I heard a few bangs and clashes and then I heard silent sobbing.......Draco's sobbing. I ran in and there he was, laying on the floor, blood seeping through his white shirt and into the water on the floor. " HARRY WHAT HAVE YOU DONE" I screamed at him before running to draco and and kneeling down next to him. I grabbed his hand in mine and with the other I stroked his hair. "HARRY GO AND GET HELP" I screamed behind he at him. He just slowly backed away, into the darkness out of view. I kissed Draco's cheek and whispered, "your gonna be ok, your gonna be fine," .

As if on queue, professor Snape came swooshing in and looked around at the scene before muttering a few spell at Draco. All of the blood that had leaked onto the floor, disappeared, as if everything was in reverse. I gripped his hand even tighter. "Mrs y/s/n, please help me Malfoy to the hospitals wing" he said looking at me before disappearing out of the room.

I slowly helped Draco to his feet. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I wrapped mine around his waist, supporting him. I couldn't speak after what I had just seen. We slowly walked to the hospital wing

Time skip

I hadn't moved from the side of his bed in the hospital wing all night. I had fallen asleep with my head on the side of his bed, still holding his hand. I woke up to someone stroking my head and playing with my hair.

I opened my eyes to see Draco sitting up, playing with my hair. "What are you doing sitting up, you should be resting!" I said to him, " and you should be in bed, sleeping, so we both broke the rules. He said cheekily. I just rolled my eyes. "How are you? Does it hurt?" I asked him, holding his hand. "Not now. It did yesterday, no thanks to your brother" he murmured the last bit and to be honest, I couldn't blame him. "I can't forgive Harry for what he did to you. I mean, how would he like it if I tried to kill his one true love"

I was shocked at what I had said. I knew I loved Draco for a while, but I had never told him. "You love me? You love me?" I just nodded. Then he grabbed my chin and gave me the sweetest kiss I have ever had. Then he pulled away. "I love you too. I love you more than I could ever say" I smiled before kissing him again, enjoying the moment for a bit longer.

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