Dean Thomas x fem!reader

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This takes part in fourth year and I'm going to write in past tense because it's just easier for me.

We were hustled into a room and made to sit girls on one side, boys on the other. Despite her protesting at first, professor Mcgonagall finally agreed to let me stand on the boys side because, to be honest, that where most of my friends were. I had a few friends who are girls but they were all constantly talking about dresses and who they are going with and I got bored of it. I just prefer the boys company sometimes.

I was stood in the middle of Fred and George with my two of my other friends, Dean and Seamus in front of me. Truth being told, I had always had a small crush on dean but this year, when we returned to school, his voice had dropped, and he had gone tall and let's just say it went from small crush to huge crush.

I was snapped back into focus by the crackling of the old music player. "Right, come together" all of the girls jumped to their feet, whereas all of the boys groaned and slowly walked into the middle. I just stood leaning against to the wall, trying to stay hidden. I'm terribly clumsy and if I tried to dance, I'd probably step on my partners toes.

"Come on shape yourselves, y/n come on you too" Mcgonagall said to me. I sighed and walked to the middle. "Y/n, you go dance with dean." She said to me. My eyes widened and my face turned red. I looked at dean and his face was also red. He walked over to me and awkwardly put his hand out for me to take. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me closer to him. He placed his hand on my waist and my cheeks flushed red again. He noticed and just laughed. Dean then started to direct me in the steps. Turns out he's a good dancer and a good teacher.

I had attempted to learn how to dance from dean for half a hour, and then we were dismissed. I was walking down the corridor next to dean complaining about how I would never get the dance right. Then he grabbed my hand, " don't worry I'll help you, meet me it the common room at 11. By then it will be empty and it will just be you and me" he squeezed my hand before walking down the hallway to his next class. I just stood there, internally screaming.

Time skip

It was close to the time that i was supposed to be meeting dean so I slipped from behind the curtains in my four poster bed. I was still in my uniform as I just couldn't be bothered getting changed. I crept down the stairs and walked into the common room. Dean was already there.

I walked towards him and he stood up. We got into the right position and then he said, "just let the music lead you, close your eyes and don't worry about anything else, okay" I nodded and closed my eyes. Then the music started. I moved my feet in the rhythm of the song and I must've got it right because i didn't step on his feet once.

It went by fast and when the music stopped, my eyes opened and Dean was staring right into them. Then he started leaning in and I did too. His lips hit mine and I felt spark rush throughout my body like waves. His hands went to my face and mine on his collar. Then we backed away from each other, slightly out of breath. He grabbed my hands and cradled them in his own. "Have you got a date to the ball yet?" He asked me, leaning his forehead against my own. "No" I said "Will you be my date to the Yule ball?" he asked me "definitely" he smiled before grabbing my waist and kissing me again.

We were so caught up in the moment that we didn't hear someone coming down the stairs "get a room" we looked at the stairs leading to the boys dorm to see Seamus stood there leaning against the wall. Me and dean flushed red.

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