Part 1- Way Of The Ninja

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As she put on her helmet and ran out to battle just as the skeleton via pulled up to the shop. Kiara get into a fighting stance and quickly wielded her sword as a skeleton approached her and she started to battle one after the other. When she was distracted by another who's head she previously knocked off quickly bit her foot. She said, "Ow, take this!" Before quickly kicking the head of the skeleton as hard as she could sending it flying over the village making its fellow skeletons applaud with amazement.

As soon as the skeletons were distracted, Ophilia Smith quickly took advantage of the situation knocking them out with the staff that she held in her hand before quickly smiling at her older sister who gave her a frustrated look and said, "I thought I told you to stay back?!" As the skeleton quickly surrounded the Smith siblings which Ophilia replied with, "And what, let you have all the fun?" Ophilia smiled and Kiara frowned as the siblings continued on with the battle.

As soon as the Smith siblings were distracted and caught up in the heat of battle this allowed Kruncha and Nuckal to sneak into the blacksmithing shop and go and search for the map.

Nuckal picked up a helmet and tried it on for size and quickly looked at himself in the mirror. This got Kruncha's attention and said, "You're not looking hard enough!" He frowns at the helmet in his hand knocking the helmet that was previously on Nuckal's head off and he said "Ooowww! You're not looking hard enough!" He threw the helmet back at Kruncha before going at it like idiots making Kruncha kick Nuckal making him land against the wall and quickly made something come loose as the sign to 'The Four Weaponsm blacksmith shop falls making both of them yell, "The map!" They both yell in amazement as they soon found what they were looking for.

Back outside, Kiara was now struggling to fight the skeletons on her own and only to make matters worse, Samukai himself decided to target the young blacksmith. Kiara held her sword up high as she prepared to fight with a smile on her face which only caused Samukai to laugh as he raised four swords with his hands and came towards the young blacksmith whose smile quickly faded as she lowered her sword and slowly backed away from Samukai but Kiara being as stubborn as she had decided she wasn't going to give up without a fight.

She held her ground using her one sword to fend off the four blades that will come in her way until Samukai had her sword locked between his blades and quickly throwing away her sword leaving the young blacksmith defenseless and kicked her to the ground.

Kiara quickly look back at her sword before turning her attention back to Samukai as he spent his blades and slowly approaching the young blacksmith. But just when all hope is lost, a familiar voice could be heard as it said, "Ninja-go." A golden twister appeared catching Samukai off guard and moving him away from Kiara.

The twister knocked Samukai around a few times before revealing who was inside and it was no other than the old man from before. Samukai said, "Sensei Wu? Your Spinjitzu looks rusty." The old man now identified as Sensei Wu said "Nothing like bone to sharpen its edge, Samukai." As he stokes his beard.

Kiara was struggling to get off the ground and this caught the attention of Samukai who quickly looked at the young blacksmith and then at the water tower getting an idea. He quickly throws his blades making Sensei Wu dodge them in just the nick of time as they hit the platform of the water tower making it fall over. Sensei Wu quickly acted and rescued the young blacksmith before the water tower fell upon her.

Samukai took this opportunity to escape as he jumped on his monster truck a bones before yelling, "Lord Garmadon says take the girl."

Sensei Wu stood there in shock and whispers to himself, "Lord Garmadon?" As if he were questioning me himself. Then Kruncha laughed before releasing a hand from the back of the truck and grabbing Ophilia. Taking her as hostage.

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