Chapter Five

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That was both the worst and best idea I ever had.

I walked down the stairs to the main living room. I took a deep breath.
'Here we go' I tell myself.

I went into the room, knife hidden in my pocket.

"Y-yes father. I'm h-here" I choked out.

He looked at me. His gaze was so cold and deadly I could feel the color flooding from my skin.

"I have come to a decision. I'm tired of having such a worthless child so..." He paused. "The league will train are to inherit my quirk...I want you to take my place. I'm not getting younger and I'm wearing out. I can only pass it to blood family. You see Tomura and I tried but it didn't work." He finished and walked up to me. He placed a hand on my head.

"Make me proud."

Then I felt it. It was like a thousand blades being rammed into me at once. I couldn't take it. I fell to the floor crying in pain. I screamed and screamed.
"STOP! PLEASE IT HURTS!" My voice rang throughout the appointment. I'm surprised the neighbors didn't hear. Just as soon as it started it stopped. I laid down panting. Saliva dripping from my mouth to the floor.


That's all I could see.



"Go. Out of my sight." Father spat as he walked away. "We'll test your newfound power after school tomorrow." I swear I heard amusement in his voice. He was enjoying all of this.
I opened my mouth to snap back but no words came out. I was to scared. I just quickly went to my room. I slammed the door shut and cried. I pulled my knees to my chest for comfort and cried. I don't know what else to do.

~Time skip brought to you by my lazy ass~

I walked down to the school. I left early to get the plan book from Sensei. I was fucking nervous to be honest. I mean. I'm not a social person and I'd really just want to be by myself. That's the only person I trust. Myself. Anyways. I walked through the halls and got to the door of class. I knocked with no response. 'Fuck it'. I opened the fort and saw Aizawa sensei sleeping under the desk. Honestly I expected it. I walked over and poked his cheek. He immediately grabbed my wrist and threw me to the floor. ready to attack as if i was an intruder.

"What were you doing?" He asked monotonously.

"Y-you asked me t-to be here sir. For the p-plan book. Sir..." I responded

"Oh sorry about that." And he got off. Now we were just sitting here silently...

Awkwardly staring.

"The plan book?" I said. He handed it to me and I went to stand up.


"Yes sensei?"

"What happened? You are covered in cuts and bruises."

" into a fight. Yup a fight. Won it to. I made sure to whoop their ass." I lied through my teeth. He just rolled his eyes and told me to go. I had time to spare so I went to the training field. I didn't know anyone was their until I saw him. Shirtless. He look HOT. hotter than the sun.


I froze. Shit he saw me. I tried to run off but he chased me. I ran maybe twenty feet before I was tackled. Unfortunately in the fall I ripped my shirt on a 'magic' rock. (>:)  I fell on top off him and when I went to sit up i didn't realize but I was exposed. Straddling him while was looking anywhere but at me.

"Ako, your black lace Victoria bra is showing. I see you have good taste." Katsuki said and I flushed.

I looked down to see that he was right. I panicked and tried to cover up. That only made it worse by me accidentally moving my area on his. I could tell I was turning him on by the growth in his uniform . (F in the chat for bakubro)

"C-can you get off me?"I heard him stutter. Katsuki Bakugou stuttered. I realized what I was doing and got up.

"I'm so so sorry!" I bowed over and over.
I looked up to see that he had taken his blazer  and handed it to me.
"Return it later. Don't need you walking around half naked." He smiled. It was a genuine smile that made my hart melt.
"Thank you." I said as I kissed his cheek.
He didn't say anything just hurried off.  I smiled.

'I know I'm crushing on him but this is different. I can't tell what though...'

katsuki bakugo x oc reader (the wannabe hero)Where stories live. Discover now