Chapter One

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Ako's POV,

  I'm running but I don't know where I am going. Just that I'm running from someone. Is that a cliff? WAIT IM NOT STOOPING! WAIT IM NOT STOPPING?!

I shot my head up and gasped.

"Ms. Yamashiro." Sensei growled at me.          "Y-yes sir?" I stuttered in response.
"You seem to know what we have been doing. Finish today's lesson.NOW." He snapped.

Shitttt I fell asleep again

I slowly stand up and make my way to the board. I could feel everyone staring at me and I was starting to feel uncontrollable.

'Stop shaking you damn idiot!' I mentally scold myself.

Lost in thought only snapping back into reality once I was face to face with the board. I pick up a piece of chalk and scan the board for anything to help me.

'Damnit this is all your fault! If you just stayed awake you wouldn't have to do this dumbass!' I scream in my mind.

" Uh-eee.." i stammer. Just as I was starting to feel nauseous...


'THANK YOUUUUUUU!' I think. Now all I have to do is sneak back to my seat!


I took two steps then felt someone pull the collar of my blazer.

"You have a lesson to teach remember." Sensei 'reminded me.
"Damnit." Was all I could mumble.
"Actually I wish to speak to young Yamashiro for a moment." All Might cut in.

"Fine, but your teaching tomorrow. Meet me 7:00 in the morning." He said.and damn was he S C A R Y. I quickly nodded and make my way out the class.

'Stupid idiot! How can a pathetic idiot like you want to be anything else than worthless. HA! It's almost funny'

"Young Yamashiro?" All Might broke me out of my self hating trance. I shook my head and looked at him.

"hBmm?"I hummed in response.  He seemed concerned.
"You asked to speak to me yesterday but I was very busy so..." he said still very concerned.
"Oh yeah I did didn't I..."I looked at my feet. "Idontthinkishouldbeintheherocourseanymoreallmight...sir" I slurred while bowing. I look up to see him confused at shit.

'Say it slower you dumb fuck!'

"I don't think I should be in the hero's course anymore...please forgive me." I tried again. He was confused.
"But you've been doing so well in all of your classes and you have shown amazing skill for someone without a quirk!" He said.

I looked at him tears stinging my eyes ready to jump to the floor.
"I-I'm not enough. I'm just getting in everyone's way...I'm useless..." I said my voice cracking. By now I was holding back sobs.
he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Dear child. You have always been enough you only have yet to see it. You aren't useless. Let's make a deal! Give it till the end of the week and if you still want to leave the hero's course I will PERSONALLY handle it for you. Okay?" He said kindly. I look up to meet his eyes and nod.
"Okay." I said quietly. I start to walk back to the class room. After a few steps I turn back, run up to All Might, and hug him.
"Thank you for everything."

And with that I run back to the class room. I made it just before the bell. We all start to pack up. I was the first one to leave. Just as I was about to step out the door...

"Oí! Get your ass over here emo nerd!"


I turn around as the class grew silent. I slowly make my way to him.
"Ur-yes bakugou?" I say. He step closer to me. In seconds our faves were inches apart. My face grew hot as I was trying to figure out what the hell is happening. Ok so I may or may not have a ...tiny...crush on Katsuki bakugou. But...he hates me. Hell! He is one of my biggest bullies!

'Get a hold of yourself! like damn!'

He raises his hand and puts it on my neck and leans in. 'Ok this is happening...' I closed my eyes and leaned in to. Just when I thought life would get easier I felt something burning on my neck. I open my eyes to see he was smoking on my neck. It was really starting to hurt.
"I don't know what the hell you thought I was doing but I just wanted you to know that a worthless slut like you has no chance of being a hero. You should really just drop out of the hero course, school, and life all together. No one wants you." He said shoving me to the floor. I looked at everyone staring at me with pity. I stood up and booked it out of the classroom to the roof. Leaving the class dumbfounded.

katsuki bakugo x oc reader (the wannabe hero)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin