Chapter Four

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This sentence sent chills down my spine. Unconsciously I took a step and grabbed onto            Bak-Katsuki's hand. All three noticed it.

"Are things alright at home Ako?" Mydoria asked me concern clear in his tone. Father glared at me.

I hesitated but only for a split second.

'They don't care about you Ako. No point in wasting time ako'

I nodded. "Yeah. No need to worry." I was fighting tears, but I smiled anyway because...

That's what hero's do right?

They put on a brave face and push forward...



I'm terrified...

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the tug of someone pulling my arm harshly. It was my fuming father.

"I warned you Ako. Worthless bitch never learns does she? Hmm" father said quietly struggling with the keys to open the apartment building. I noticed that katsuki has snapped his head up.

'No. This isn't going to go down well.'

My breathing grew heavy. I looked at father. He didnt.notice.

"What are you going to do to her sir?!" Katsuki snapped. Stepping towards us.

Father smirk statistically.

"Are we going to have a problem?" I heard the monster laugh under his breath.


"I don't know are we?"


"I think we are". Was the last thing father said before he turned around to throw a punch.

"STOP! " They both ceased and turned to me. I drew a shaky breath. "Please stop...Katsuki he just means that I have to do extra chores because I missed cerfew. Please. Just. STOP." I couldn't get my breath to calm down. "Father. Can we...just go i-inside...please..." He turned to face me. He didn't look but he was... Happy.

'Uh-what did I do!? I'm screwed I'm screwed I'm screwed...'

I watched at the boys hesitantly walked away. Once they were out of sight I ran into the door with the strength I had and up to my room as fast as I could. I made it just in time because the second the lock on my door clicked a fit of banging started. I could feel the vibration from each on the door.

"Open. The. Door. Before. Haha. BEFORE I KILL YOU! I SWEAR I WILL SLOWLY SKIN YOU ALIVE THEN I'LL BOIL YOUR LIMBS TO A CRISP! OH WHAT FUN WE COULD HAVE! OPEN THE DOOR~ OPEN. THE. DOOR."  He sang over and over again and I knew I couldn't keep the door closed for long.

"LEAVE. ME. ALONE! YOUR A MONSTER AND I HATE YOU! YOU ARE NO FATHER TO ME!" I screamed through the door. Choking on sobs. After what felt like forever her slid a price of paper under the door. It read:

"Dear whore that unfortunately was born in my bloodline,

Get your self into the living room. I need to give you something before do I put this..." move out  

       -the monster"

I crumpled the paper. I had stood up weakly. I went to my dresser and pulled out a knife I "borrowed" from someone I ran into the other week.

'Guess having a villain for a father comes in handy. Huh. Kinda ironic now that I think of it.' I shrugged it off and his the knife in my pocket.

I ventured down the steps.

That was both my worst and best idea I have ever had...

katsuki bakugo x oc reader (the wannabe hero)Where stories live. Discover now