"Don't be afraid, just speak as you normally do."

She assured him with a smile. Even though it was stupid to assume that Idris could be frightened by a little thing like her translator, she also understood how he felt. Every species in the world feared the unknown. 

Finally, after taking a few seconds, Idris relaxed and took a seat on the bed beside her. Now his expression towards her device had a mixture of fright and curiosity.

"What's electricity?"

Quinn cracked a laugh when she heard his first question. Out of all the things, she expected him to ask about anything, but that. Amazed how he even remembered this foreign word to him, she tried to explain the best way she could.

"To put it simply, electricity is a flow of charge. But of course, you won't understand if I say it like that. So, imagine that you can warm up this cave without building fire inside, or light it up without using sunlight - electricity can do that for you."

"Woho, that sounds like magic. Let's do it, let's make electricity."

His eyes shone like lit candles, while he processed the things that Quinn had spoken. 

"Everything in its own time, Idris. But I think before concurring the world, we should at least have breakfast. I'm pretty hungry."

"Shame on me, I should have brought you something. I'm sorry, I will get right on it."

Once Idris heard her words, he portraited the most horrified look on his face. As if him leaving her hungry was some sort of a lack of hospitality. It was strange to Quinn, having someone taking care of her that way and being bothered by something so small and trivial.

"Hey, hey... It's all right,  don't worry because you haven't done anything wrong.  We can have it together, and plus I have a lot to ask you."

"So do I."

Breakfast passed as awkward as Quinn imagined it would be. As expected, every other Talanian acted the same way Idris did when they first saw the translator.

Ejona was beyond happy to be able to communicate freely with Quinn. Igoru jumped protectively in front of his little sister, cursing at Idris for allowing danger to come close to them. Rox used the opportunity to ask Quinn how her night with Idris went right before he earned a smack from Ejona and venomous gaze from Idris. And lastly, Arcanus was the first one to seek the device and examine it carefully in his hands. Fascinated by it, he asked Quinn various questions about how it worked.

There is still hope for the future.

Wondered Quinn contently, when she saw Arcanus's interest. Maybe this planet was too far away from Mars's knowledge, but as long as population and curiosity exist, they will evolve. Better late than never...

Quinn's day passed in a blink. Before she could figure it out, it was already time for dinner. She spent the whole day wandering around with Ejona. Idris and the others had to hunt in the woods, so she didn't see him much after breakfast.

Now that she has the translator everything was easier. She asked Ejona a lot about Talan, its people, and its customs. Ejona, on the other hand, fascinated to meet a woman from another planet, asked Quinn various questions about Mars.

"If you don't mind me asking, but why are you half-naked? Is there any particular reason why you walk around without a top-clothing?"

Quinn shamelessly asked while bushing around the question the whole day. Every time a pair of boobs fleshed in her sight, she struggled uncomfortably. And judging by the fact that Ejona was always with her, it happened a lot. It was a miracle how she lasted that long before asking.

"Oh, you mean why we don't cover our chest part."

"Well yes, on our planet this is inappropriate - you can't just walk around like that."

To this Ejona only laughed and lowered her gaze towards her front.

"It is a signature of an unmated Talanian female. After we find our partners, we cover ourselves for only them to see."

Ejona rosed vigorously after uttering the last part. Quinn was about to tease her about Rox, who quite openly showed his affections for her, but stopped when she realized that she was fully covered herself.

"I'm not mated either, but I don't think I want to take out my breasts for everyone to see."

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that. Idris already told everyone that he belongs to you. And that is why you sleep in the same place. Unmated Talanian sleep apart."

Ejona explained as if it was the most normal thing in the world, but Quinn lost her somewhere after the part where she said that Idris belongs to her.

"Wait, wait. What do you mean he belongs to me? I never said that, or made any kind of claim to him."

"But, oh no! I shouldn't be saying this."

She chewed on her lower lip, looking terrified. Apparently walking around naked was a normal thing for them, but gossiping was some sort of crime. Well, Quinn wasn't having it.

"Ejona, spill! What did he say?"

"I'm not supposed to speak about this, because Rox told me in secret, but Idris had told him about your night together, in the woods. How you made him yours, how you touched his..."

Ejona stuttered a few times while she spoke in hushed tones and not to mention the fact that she was to die of embarrassment. With every word, Ejona said they were becoming redder. Only Ejona was just shy, but Quinn... - Quinn was angry. She was going to murder Idris for his lies.


N O T E:

Now, now... who is going to tell her that those are not lies? The next chapter will be hilarious.

Always stay healthy and happy!


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