Chapter 17

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A/N: Here we go again, the lying rat is back! Edited! ❤️


I snickered.

Dad flicked his wrist and the lights came back on. "You couldn't have done that sooner, magic man?"

Dad shrugged and flicked his newspaper up.

"Unbelievable," Tony muttered.

I smiled and sat by dad. "Where's mom?" I questioned abruptly.

"I don't know. She was with Natasha, last I heard. They're trying to get info from S.H.I.E.L.D to find you."

I nodded. "How many people did you have you after me?"

"All of us, and half of S.H.I.E.L.D. You're very loved, you know."

I smiled and nodded.

Steve came down the stairs, hanging up his phone once he got close. "They're on their way back, your mom sounded so excited to see you, kiddo." He announced.

"Which one?" I asked, tilting my head slightly.

Steve chuckled slightly. "Both of them."

I smiled and nodded.   I shifted to sit on the couch instead of the arm and leaned against my dad. 

"So, does Odin know?"

I perked up slightly. "What? That we escaped? Probably. Where we are? Probably not. We took one of your back doors out of the realm, and Grandma is shielding us. I think we're good for now, but Odin's likely not going to take long to figure it out. He's nuts not stupid." I replied.

Dad nodded.

Tony walked out. "Friday put the magic shield thingy back up. I made improvements from the readings I took when He came two weeks ago. And now that the power's back up, We can put it to the test. I had your dad try it a few times and it worked against him. I think we'll try a few tests with your grandmother, see if it can deal with her. Sound good?"

I nodded and looked at her.

She also nodded before going back to whatever she'd been fussing with. Something blocked out the light for a moment, and I looked up.

A smile lit my face and I jumped up, hugging the figure around the waist. "Einar! Hi!"

He hugged me back tentatively. "You're happy to see me?"

I stepped back. "Duh. I haven't seen you in ages. Where'd you Houdini to?"

"I was seeking a lead. I... failed to protect you."

I tapped my chin. "I mean this in the most loving way possible, but I can handle myself like 89% of the time."


"I escaped my dad and Odin, made an alliance with Bor and my aunt and defeated a bunch of Chitauri. Thanos only killed me once and Odin's whack. So you're good, my man. Kay?" I said.

He seemed to plan to protest a moment, then closed his mouth. "Alright. If you're certain."

"I am. How'd that lead go?" I asked.

"A dead end. All the more disappointing."

"It's. Fine. No moping. Capeesh?"

He nodded.

"Good. Now, mom is gonna be back soon. We need to quit... horsing around and figure something out." I said, glancing at Einar from the corner of my eye.

"Never heard that one before." He muttered sarcastically.

"I knew you'd like that one," I replied, offering a smirk and lightly elbowing him.

"Love it. My favourite jokes. Of all time. Really."

I snorted.

The elevator dinged abruptly and Natasha bolted across the room, wrapping her arms around me and laughing. "You're okay!"

"Duh, I'm amazing. And Odin didn't expect grandma to help."

She nodded and bio mom took her place hugging me. "I'm so glad you're safe, little one." She placed a kiss on my temple and held me at arm's length for a moment. "Did he hurt you? I swear, I will annihilate him myself. Your dad won't get to touch him."

I smiled. "No. I'm okay. I also threatened Fandral not to snitch."

Dad smirked and turned the paper again.

"I'm very proud, sweetness. You sit with your dad and I'll make some lunch while you all talk. Okay?"

I nodded. "Sounds good to me," I replied with a quick smile. I sat by dad and Natasha sat on the other side, the other avengers quickly filled in around us.

Blaring alarms filled the tower.

"What the heck?" Tony shouted.

"I dunno. Don't look at me!" I yelled back.

"Friday drop the volume." 

The ringing in my ears remained, but I could hear the others talking now. Kinda.

"Snake, thing..."


"Root-eater, Stark."

"Princess... with it... Valhalla."

"Nidhogg's here?" I asked.

Einar nodded.

I slipped out the side door and tossed a dagger at it. "Go back to gnawing on roots, you vile thing!" I said, trying to take on a similar tone as Hildr.

He just dove at me.

"Crap!" I shouted, rolling out of the way.

Einar came running out and swung a sword at him. 'You'll not take the princess, root eater.  Disgusting thing!" He said, sword making contact. 

"That is nasty," Tony said, gagging slightly on his way out the door.

"You know it," I replied. 

Tony shot and Nidhogg pursued. Once he got too close, I took over, drawing his attention. Once Nidhogg nearly chomped me, Einar took over, drawing his attention. Nidhogg reared up and dove underground. each one of the avengers took turns firing or slashing at him as he poked his ugly head up. A few more rounds of this cat and mouse game, and Nidhogg burst from the ground. Screeching filled the air, and I dodged as he fell over me.

Einar sprung into action as Nidhogg pulled himself back up to his full height, poised to strike.

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