The plane ride.

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      Ezzalynn had packed her things up and had started sending them to London. She hung out with her sister the past couple days before she left to Maine with her grandmother. Then the day came when Lizzy had to leave, She held her sister tight before Ezzalynn grabbed her keys driving them to the airport. After sitting at the airport their flight finally got called over the loud speakers. Lizz stood up  squeezing her older sister tighter then before, she cried into her shoulder the silence saying more then a thousand words could. The girls were pulled apart by their grandmother, who was lightly pulling on Lizzy trying to pull her toward the boarding area. "i love you ezzie come see me soon?" Lizzy whispered before being pulled by her grandmother who gave them a sympathetic smile "i promise Lizzy i'll see you soon!" Ezzalynn said waving at them till she couldn't see them anymore.

   The car ride home had been lonely, Ezzalymn didn't like the quiet but she couldn't bring herself to put on music or anything for that matter.  When she arrived home she walked past her mother into her room, all that was left was her gaming set up her bed and a couple hoodies in her closet. She put the hoodies in a bag along with her sheets and pillow case she put her blanket in a separate backpack and then sat in her chair turning her computer on.
She started the stream to see many people coming in to watch ...
    She loaded up her screen she didn't have a face cam and didn't want to do a face reveal just yet and people didn't mind. "Hello hello all you wonderful guys and gals I hope you've all taken care of yourself and are having a good day! Today's stream is just going to be some chill bedwars and interaction with the chat how's that soundin?"  She read the chat some people had questions, "Your streaming late where were youu"- funnyBunny782.  "Oh! well let's load up minecraft and i'll explain why i was late today and why i won't be able to stream the next few days yeah?"

    Ezza was able to load up bedwars and was running around in the lobby when a dono came in "So what's going on why won't you be streaming again? just got here lol my bad"  Ezz laughed and began to explain but leaving out some details " Well guys you see I had a few family issues and my younger sister and I had to move away but she ended up going with my Gran and.. well i'm going to go stay with a cousin i have in london" that's when another donation came in "YEAAHHH WOMAN COME STAY AT THE TOMMY ABODEEE" her cousin had donated $30 to her just to say that and her chat started to blow up with things like "SHES STAYING WITH TOMMY INNIT?" " wait y'all are cousins wha" "LOL guys it's clearly FAKEEE" she just laughed, not many people knew they were cousins so she wasn't surprised "Yeah guys if you didn't know The one and only tommyinnit is my cousin, on my mother's side"  She saw so many names go by on screen, the names of people who adored her. It always made her so happy to see her viewers chat and get excited.

"Do you know who the dream team is ?" A dono read out. "Well honestly I haven't watched any of that stuff I know theres an SMP with a lot of people on it, one being my cousin tommy. But i haven't a clue about the lore or people on it haha" She said as she broke red teams bed hitting the players off. The chat started freaking out because she didn't know the dream team they asked her more question like if she knew who george was or dream to which she answered "no" She continued reading chat and playing. As she neared the 7th round of bedwars came to and end her of course being the winner, she decided to end her stream "So i'm realizing now i forgot to address an issue I told you all what happened and where i was going but i forgot to mention how i wasn't streaming because of the move though i'm sure you all got that i'll be busy and unable to stream. Quick thing though, I just want to thank you all for the support you've given to me it means more then anything in the worl-" She was cut short by a ringing sound Which made her jump up. Yeah thank god she didn't have a face cam.

She looked down at her phone waiting to finish her stream before answering, it was her cousin. " Ahh okay, okay. Well anyways guys like i said thank you all so much for watching and supporting i should be streaming around 2pm on thursday hopefully I'll post on twitterrr before i doo heh anyways I'll catch you lovelies in the next video buh byeee~"
With that she ended her stream and looked down at her phone which was no longer ringing. She texted her cousin immediately after the stream ended.

                         Tiny Tommy :(

                              oOhskfhakHis d oh MY GOD TOMMMMYYY !!!!!!!!! You scared the ABSOLUTE SHITTTT out of me wth?!! helsjwkfwnk - Woman Ezza

Tiny Tommy :(- LMAOOO MY BADDDD i was just telling you that me mum said to meet at section B? Or something

Ahhh shit shit shit i totally forgot my flight was tomorrow okay well ffffff i have to load up my computer tommy texts ya L8ter - Woman Ezza

Tiny Tommy :(- HAAAA
   seen 4:48pm

      After her talk with tommy she decided it was time to pack up her Gaming set into boxes. after laying on her bed a knot of anxiety started filling in her chest 'what if i'm being a burden on his family' 'I feel horrible intruding' 'i feel so bad maybe i ...' So many doubts and thoughts crossed her mind, so doubt would definitely be one of them until she finally fell asleep shrouded in her thoughts.  She had woken up to a blaring alarm and a mess of tangled hair in her face "Grumpy" wouldn't describe the way she felt that morning. She put all of her last belongings and sent them off to Tommy's house hoping they would get there safely. She grabbed her bag with a hoodie blanket water bottle and charger with headphone and headed out the door. Her mother had to drive her to the airport though she don't want to but she couldn't just drive her self and get the car back. Her mom dropped her off without bothering to get out and say goodbye or anything. She put her things through bag checkout and waited for her flight to board.

      After about an hour of her waiting she heard "Flight 2042 now boarding, I repeat Flight 2042 now boarding." She stood up grabbing her bag and handed them her ticket boarding onto the plane. She had gotten a window seat 'Hell yes!' she thought sitting down. She had slept most the flight or just sat looking out the window at the world. She heard the flight attendant say something about landing but she was spaced out on the lights below her.
      The flight landed and she got off seeing tommy and his parents along with his friend tubbo waiting for her at section B where she was told to go. She ran up to them hugging tommy and thanking his parents over and over for letting her stay with them. "This means so much to me thank you guys I'll do whatever I'll cook clean pay rent just.. thank you!" His parents simply laughed and talked about how tired she must be to which she agreed once they were in the car she could relax "Most of your stuff at the house already i think your just missing your pc" tommy said "Oh yeah I shipped that last night after my stream and.. heh the whole scaring the crap out of me thing" Tubbo heard and chimed in on the convo "Oh Tommy you scared her? That isn't very nice you know! Oh my and Ezzie, d-do you mind if i call you that?" Ezz just laughed and agreed to the nickname he gave her "Well Ezzie you very beautiful, i've watched some of your streams before and you seem really cool i hope we become better friends!" She started to smile she wanted to hug the young boy then and there "Awhhhh tubs!! yes me too!" Tommy made a gagging sound making everyone laugh.

Back at the house Tubbo had decided he was going to stay the night, after they showed her where her room was she put her bag with her sheets and blanket down and started unpacking her stuff, it was kinda later there around 12pm but she didn't mind. Actually she wasn't even that tired. She unpacked and decorated the small things getting her desk set up in the corner and her gray bedsheets on the bed they had for her. The room was nice with a soft plush carpet underneath her bed, the walls were an off shade of white and it had black silk curtains over the window. It was nice and she was comfortable there. After a few days her PC and everything arrives she immediately set it all up everything looking perfect, her purple LED lights under her desk her space light that made her room look like space. Her cool black headphones and her nice new gaming chair. She had a full bed in the back with stuffed animals on it and christmas lights hung around it. She had monster cans and records on her walls and a small vanity they gave her in another corner of the room.
Everything was set up, it had been almost a week since she moved here and she hadn't posted anything. She should get too that.

Ahhhhhhh 2nd chapter!!! If there's anything misspelled or messed up lmk! and suggest things you wanna see :) ALSO i PROMISE wilbur is coming up sooooonnnnn hehehehe

The guy she came to love  (WilburSoot)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon