"I can deal with the shredding. I just don't want to live in any world where I was besties with Alyssa Drake." Lilith told us.

The ringing came back but for longer this time.

"That was annoying." Randall complained, hitting the sofa with every word.

"And longer than usual." Lilith added.

"Maybe we should check that out?" Jack suggested.

"It's been a long night for all of us. Get some rest. Whatever it is, it can wait." Hamish replied.

Randall, Hamish and I were sat outside taking in the sun while Lilith was inside

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Randall, Hamish and I were sat outside taking in the sun while Lilith was inside.

"I thought you were working on recovered memory spells." Jack told us after returning from his trip to the school.

"We did. Now, we're relaxing." Randall replied.

"A previous Tundra, the most brilliant of the Knights, wrote about it in one of the journals and this Tundra found it." Hamish spoke, pointing to himself.

"So, now you can quit, get wiped, and then we can reboot you." I told him, taking a sip of the cocktail Hamish had made.

"You're sure it works?" Jack asked, clearly worried.

Something smashed from inside before any of us could answer a sofa then landed on the grass with glass falling on top of it.

"It worked on Lilith." Hamish answered Jack's question.

"We told each other everything!" Lilith's shouts were muffled by the walls.

"Mm, she's particularly enjoying the Alyssa memories." I spoke.

"I'm going to do it." Jack told us, nodding.

"You're kicking magic to the curb?" Randall asked while Lilith continued to shout angrily in the background.

"I am quitting The Order." Jack announced happily.

"It's about time." I smiled.

A table and chair set came tumbling down onto the grass.

"We told each other everything! We braided each other's hair!" Lilith continued to shout.

"It's funny, I always thought the temple was under the reference library instead of this haunted house, which makes more sense, you know, metaphorically." Randall told us while we walked up the stairs towards the old building that stood proud in front of us.

"I remember when getting into The Order was all I ever wanted. Now, I'm just walking away from it." Jack told me and Randall as the three of us came to a stop at the top of the stairs.

"Priorities change." I replied.

"Yeah, I guess." Jack sighed.

"Now, get in there and lose your mind." Randall told him.

Jack turned to the building then walked up to it, leaving me and Randall behind.

"Don't worry. We've got your back." I called and he held a thumbs up as he climbed the steps.

"Randall! Dylan!" Alyssa walked out of the building, supporting Jack who was walking like he was drunk.

"Something's wrong." Alyssa continued as they neared us.

"Did you wipe too much of his memory? Does he think he's a baby?" Randall asked as they came to a stop next to us.

Jack bent over with his hands on his knees.

"What happened to you?" I asked, bending down so I could make eye contact with him.

"It's Silverback. Something's wrong. He's fighting me." Jack spoke, out of breath.

"You need to get him out of here. Hurry!" Alyssa told us as we started leading Jack away.

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