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It was a clear day. Finally, after freeing Angielle from the wrath of the person who was supposed to be her mother, she started learning more and more. Just as the letters started flowing in like a waterfall. From men who wanted to court her, although she didn't think she was ready yet. Lucette still had much to learn. She wasn't called the Tenebraum bearer for nothing.

"Princess!" As she turns around, a man in his mid-twenties, with pitch black hair and ruby eyes meets her sight. Waltz Cresswell, the former apprentice of her mother Hildyr and the one who has taken Myth(ros) his place. They are both witches, although Myth was killed by her mother when he wasn't of use anymore. Thrown away like a toy of a disinterested child. Luckily, Waltz also broke his curse. Lucette helped him finding Neverland and Tinkerbell, the box and key she had forgotten for so long. He greets her with a wave and a smile.

"Waltz." Lucette nods back at him, as his smile keeps widening. Her face is normally stoic however, she can't help but smiling back at him. His enthusiasm is contagious.

"How's today going?" He asks her, making casual talk. Well, not bad, she thinks. Delora has been teaching her how to handle the Tenebraum today. As she did yesterday. And the day before. So she will answer the question he keeps asking with the same answer.

"It has been quite well so far. But I am sure you could teach me more, Waltz." He chuckles heartily, knowing that he is the second strongest witch in Angielle. Lucette is only stronger because of the Tenebraum. She doesn't have a lot of experience, unlike Waltz.

"You know that I'd teach you if I had the time." And the princess does know indeed. She doesn't have her memories back, but she can remember small fragments, dreams about the time they used to spend together. It is rather sad, that her mother wiped out all the nice memories.

"I know." She answers. The young man casts his eyes towards the ground. "I'm sorry, I really want to, but my schedule just won't allow me to." Half a lie, she is the one who's the most busy, not him. But instead of pointing it out, like she would have done normally, Lucette regrets mentioning his teaching, because he feels bad for her right now.

"It is alright." Lucette looks sideways, towards the garden, to avoid his troubling gaze. The witch sighs, as he looks at his pocket watch. "I should be moving right now, the King has a meeting soon." The princess nods in understanding. Her father had always been a good ruler for the people. Unlike what Sir Alcaster, his general, tried to achieve. 'Witches and fright keep order.' He said. 'It will be fun.' He said. Lies. Lucette doesn't even understand what he saw in the time of the wars, under Moth- Hildyr's reign. The fear powers people to work, she supposes.

It is already late in the afternoon when she arrives in her chamber, comforted by the sight of her dolls whom comforted so much in hard times. And Delora of course. The dratted witch who was the whole reason of her fairytale curse. She is her favorite doll. Was her favorite doll. Even if she has people to talk to, her dolls give her the most comfort. From the shelf, she picks up a neatly dressed doll. Her dress is pinkish (it reminds her of a ballroom gown), the doll has blond hair (almost like gold) and her aqua blue eyes look like the sea.

The doll was a gift she had gotten from one of the people in the Marchen when she lifted their curses with her powers. The girl was cursed with the 'mermaid' curse and couldn't talk, and instead, used some kind of plush toy on her shoulder to do it for her instead. She always smiled. At first, it annoyed her. Not just a little though. It was a lot. Whenever she saw her smile, it made her mood go down, more than it already was. But after a while, she learned about how she is actually trying to be genuinely kind and became friends with her.

"Good afternoon, Emily." She greets her doll, putting her on her bed before talking to her once again. The doll resembles her friend, Emelaigne, so she thought that it would be only proper to give her a name that sounds like hers. "Delora taught me how to strengthen the bonds with the Tenebraum, she is still teaching me the same. Because of this, I am getting better, luckily." Emelaigne bought her from her friend, Viorica, knowing that she likes them. Some people think that she is childish, still liking dolls. And yet, they keep gossiping on, like a pair of old ladies, hoping to possibly ruin the image of the royal family. Too bad for them that we do not care, Lucette thinks. So do the people, at least the non-royals do. Brushing a lock of hair out of Emily's face, she resumes talking about her day to the doll.

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