"I don't think it's that sappy." Stan struggled to keep his laugh in.

          "You don't have to hold it in. I know it's stupid, but this was the first place I ever felt like myself. At school, I was always one of Greta's followers. And even in my own home, I'm the daughter of two church-crazy Catholics who are blind to the real world...but here. I didn't have to hide anything. I didn't have to change anything about myself." I put my hands in my lap, making sure to cover Henry's markings. Stan was leaning on his knees and had his head turned towards me.

           "No, I get it...hey Lucy. Can I ask you something?"

            "You just did." I elbowed him and we both laughed at my poorly made joke.

            "That day at Neibolt. Why did you let me choose the long stick? I'm sure you were just as terrified as I was. I could've gone in." I stared out into The Quarry.

              "You've been so nice to me. You've hung out with me and you gave me a chance. I wanted to do something nice back. And in Bill's garage, I froze and you saved my sorry ass. I wanted to do something in return. I owe you big time. But since we are asking questions, why are you still trying to hang out with me. Bill was pretty clear that I wasn't a part of your group."

             "Don't listen to what Bill says. He wanted to go back to the house we almost died in. Believe me, everyone wanted you in the club. He was warming up to you, I could tell. That day he was just pissed off. He wants to avenge his brother. People say things in anger, that's all."

           "But I completely dissed your bar mitzvah. I told you to stay away from me. I'm a horrible friend. That's probably why I don't have any right now."

             "That's not true. I'm your friend. At least I hope I am your friend." He looked at me, and waited for an answer. I waited a few seconds and smiled.

              "I may only have one friend, but I'm glad it's you." We sat there in silence for a few seconds.

             "Do why did Henry beat you up? I mean he on badly did you piss him off?"

             "It was bound to happen. Back at the rock fight, before I left, he told me I couldn't hide behind you guys forever. That one day they would snap and see the real me. That day came, I was alone. Bad timing. And I guess I did call him and his friends the Faggot Squad." Stan started cracking up and he leaned back, almost falling off the rock. I caught his arm just before he toppled over and pulled him back up.

             "Damn you really did deserve it."

There was a small silence. Then I found myself reminiscing about the summer.

              "It all felt so long ago. The last day of school; coming to The Quarry and seeing...It. Then there was the Rock fight and Fourth of July. Then the dramatic split up. Can't believe July is almost done."

              "Yeah it's crazy. I turn 13 in two weeks. I don't think I'm ready for it, to tell you the truth. My dad is the rabbi, which is sort of the equivalent to a priest, so it feels like my whole life depends on it. It's so stressful, and my dad doubts me. I try to learn, but there has just been so much going on, and I can't even go into my dad's office anymore without...without thinking of the lady in the painting."

              "Well you better get your game together because imma be sitting in the front pew or whatever." Stan looked at with wide eyes, and for a second, I wasn't even sure what I said.

              "Wait, you're gonna come?" I nodded.

               "Well, I'll be out of prison in next week and I gottta support my only friend, right? I'm not gonna mess up again. My parents will probably be pissed, but it doesn't matter. I'll just figure that part out later." Stan smiled and stood up. He held out his hand, signaling that he wanted to pull me up. "Where are we going now? We just got here." He smiled.

Go Along with IT//Stan Uris fanfic (It 2017)Where stories live. Discover now